Most of the extended warranties are not offered through Thor but are offered through a third party. You may want to conduct some research to determine the track record of the third party regarding claims etc.. and to determine if the warranty is honored at multiple service centers or only the dealer selling the extended coverage.
Also, if you purchase a 5 year extended warranty and then trade the unit in, or sell it, before the expiration of the contract, you may be entitled to a refund for the unused portion. For some warranties, however, you have to provide proof that you no longer own the coach and the refund request must be processed through the dealer that sold you the rig covered by the warranty. This also applies to some other plans such as Road Hazard on tires etc...
US Army (Ret)
2020 Entegra Accolade 37TS
2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk (Toad)
FMCA - F432054