Originally Posted by vkb
Thank you ! We are excited to take delivery on this RUV !!
We have had 2 motorhomes previously and are looking forward to
this new body type !
Once again, will appreciate any clues regarding quirks of this unit !
There is a wealth of material on the Vegas/Axis 24.1 in the forum. The "Maintenance and Repair" and "Modifications and Updates" sections have lots of tips and mods that many of us have done. If you have a specific question, use the search function or post your question and someone will be happy to answer. I have owned a Vegas 24.1 for 2 years (25,000) miles and pick up my 2016 Axis on Friday. Hope you enjoy yours as much as many of us have enjoyed ours. Welcome aboard.
/bevedfelker has produced an outstanding handbook on quirks, problems and best practices involving the Vegas/Axis. Send him your e-mail via private msg and I bet he will be happy to send you a copy. It is a great place to start.