I've tried all possible problems listed. Only thing left is the converter. I ordered a new WF9855. When it arrived, the box confirmed that it was a WF-9855. It looked exactly like the one I replaced except the one I replaced required 2-35volt fuses. The new one stated that it took 2-40 amp fuses. As I was taking a picture of the label, I noticed it said WF-8955. All the input and output numbers are exactly the same. Plus, it is in a sealed box where all the WF-8955 that I found online are not in a sealed case. I have a call in to the folks at WFCO waiting for a call back to see ii the unit is miss labeled. It sure doesn't look like the WF-8955 that I can find. Any thoughts?
Bob and Cindy
USA, MSG (Ret) - USA (Civ)
Dottie & Boomer (Border Collies)
2014 Miramar 34.2
Rineyville, KY (Fort Knox)