Originally Posted by Razor
Thanks Oneilkeys. I do have Ed's excellent manual and it's the first place I turned yesterday when I discovered my problem. I thought I understood the system and remembered several folks posting last year about their problems. I didn't have much time last night for trying to solve my troubles so I got confused when I read in The Manual on page 48, "The chassis battery for the engine is not charged off the converter." but later in Appendix 11 a complete discussion of the BIRD etc states it correctly. I was in a rush.
Now I'm back from an out-of-town travel baseball day and have time to work on this. The first thing I did was update my copy of The Manual to the current version. (Thanks for the link JamieGeek! and super thanks to Ed for The Manual and updates!) I was using an outdated copy and the verbiage on page 48 has been clarified. So I do understand the system and mine is clearly not working correctly. So now to research troubleshooting steps. I think I'll start with the incorrect wiring. (Wishful thinking) I might not get too far however because it's now 37* outside with some snow. Brrrrr
In my 2016 Axis, the red wire coming out of the BIRD is supposed to be connected to the coach batteries. In mine, I never figured out where it was connected, but it was not connected to the coach batteries so the BIRD never received the correct voltage to tell it to open and connect the coach and chassis batteries. When I cut the red wire and connected it to the coach battery side of the Trombetta, the system worked as it was designed. May not be your problem, but might be something to check.