Check your seams!
Just a reminder... tis the season for some folks (not all) to get ready for winter storage, and a GREAT time to go over your coach looking for pesky cracks in sealant. Those cracks can be the death of your coach if not resealed.
I found 1/32" cracks in the ProFlex on the edges of my front cap, probably from bouncing of the cab. I resealed both sides with a nice bead of clear ProFlex, but any good quality flexible RV or marine sealant will do.
Bonus... I finally found the perfect combo for EASILY removing any vestiges of oxidation... small spots crept in on mine, and were easy to remove using my trusty Harbor Freight variable speed buffer, and the two products in the pic below. I was using wool pads, but I found using the green foam cutting pad is one step... buff with a little compound on the pad, then hand buff any residue with a microfiber towel. All ready for a fresh coat of RejeX! AND... the pad and compound do not harm decals!