Coach speaker wiring in Chateau
I have a 2018 Chateau 31E, and the right speaker in the coach (over the sofa) has stopped working. This is probably a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone here might be able to help me.
I checked the output at the stereo to see if that channel was burned out, but it seems to be working fine. I also checked the speaker itself and it is okay. So the problem appears to be in the wiring between the stereo and the speaker. I traced the wire from the speaker and it goes aft inside the cabinet outer and inner layers. I removed the inner panel and traced the wire through the cabinet over the entry door, and then through the fridge compartment, then it seems to go into a large gray conduit, which heads forward under the coach then back up into the coach in the area behind the sofa. I can't access that area, so I don't know where it goes from there.
I also tried to trace the speaker wire from the stereo side, and it goes into a big wiring harness bundle where I can no longer trace it.
I'm usually pretty good and troubleshooting stuff and fixing it, but I'm not sure what to do about this problem. First of all, what would cause this to stop working, especially since the wiring seems to be so well protected? Second, does anyone know how the wiring is routed from the dash area to the right coach speaker?
I also thought of just running a new wire, but I'm not sure how I would route it through the coach so that it's hidden.