Originally Posted by samsberr
Morning folks... We have a 2019 Freedom elite 24he...when ever I'm kneeling (knee to ground) or laying and touch anything metal on the coach I get I get a bit of a shock... My electrical surge/power protector tells me all's good when plugged in... No shock when I'm not using shore power... Havent tried it with just the Gen. Running... Any thoughts? *Cross posted on the maintenance group...
You need to hire a VERY qualified electrician. You have what is called a "Hot Skin Condition". A hot wire is touching the frame of your trailer. These thing can be very hard to find. That's why I said a Qualified electrician. A newbie will not find it. Some experienced electricians will not find it. It could be a screw thru a wire. A bad plug. Bad motor. Just about anything. It can Also kill you or someone else. DO NOT plug it in until you have it fixed. Somebody with a bad hart or a pace maker can get killed very easy. It is not something to play around with.
A quick test would be to drive a ground rod next to the RV. Use a good quality volt meter and hook it to the metal of the rig and to the ground. read the AC voltage. Now go inside and turn off the circuit breakers one at a time until the meter stops showing voltage. Leave the main RV breaker
on while doing this. If all the breakers are
off and the meter still shows voltage turn off the RV main breaker. If the meter still shows voltage that means the problem is between the main breaker and the Shore power. If it goes away while turning off the breakers you will know what circuit it is on. You can use the RV with that breaker off and be safe. Have a helper read the meter while you are inside.