Our fridge a Whirlpool model WRS325SDHW side by side. At the top of the fridge is the control center with controls for freezer and fridge. There is only one cooling unit and it is for the freezer; however, the thermostat controlling the cooling unit is in the fridge. Instructions say to set the fridge temperature at the mid point and the freezer to the mid-point for 24 hours. After that time, adjust the temp on the fridge to maintain 35-39 degrees. After the fridge temp has stabilized, adjust the freezer control to the desired temp. For us, the fridge is on 3.5 (mid-point) and the freezer is on 1 (max). Also make sure the fridge door is sealing properly.
Jim & Roy Davis
2016 Hurricane 31S
1961 Rampside in tow