Originally Posted by odell2115
My 2017 34F Windsport also has an incredible whistle above 50 mph. The dealer decided to glob silicone at the front of the driver's window to fix it with no impact. What part of your grill is causing your whistle? How did you isolate it to the grill? I cannot figure out where this sound is coming from but it's piercing, especially between 50 and 60. It changes with wind changes, and I was leaning towards a windshield leak.
The rubber trim around my windshield is also holding water. When it rains I can lift the lower corner and nearly a quart of water will run out.
I would think with the water under the trim it almost has to be the windshield. On ours, while I’m driving, I have my wife push on the corner of the passenger side of the windshield and the noise goes away. When she lets off, it returns. That’s how I figured out it was the windshield. The grill sound is much more high pitched and ear-piercing. Had both the grill and the windshield screaming on our way home last week!