We had 3 leaks and upside down gasket on our original factory installed windshield. After warranty covered window replacement we still had a leak, although, only one leak. The leak was caused by the fact that part of the bead of 3M sealant rolled down and made an opening in the seal when the installer pressed to the body flange. Condensation that ran off the roof would get past the gasket and gap in the sealant and run down the inside of the windshield. Glass installer came out and applied more 3M sealant on the inside in the area of the leak. Unfortunately that didn’t work either. I did a quick Internet research and found some flowable silicone sealant for windshield leaks. My Son pulled the rubber gasket forward to access the area where the window glass meets the body. Applied a bead of Permatex sealant along the entire length of the upper edge of the window. Problem solved.