Originally Posted by ducksface
Trans coolers are cheap and easy to install.
Do you recommend us to upgrade, or is the little factory one OK?
Thermostat fan cooled bigguns are $150+-.
That seems pretty inexpensive if they do anything, percentage wise, over the little factory unit....
The bottom fourth of what you think is the radiator, it is really the transmission cooler. Transmissions don't like temperatures below 40 F so the radiator's fluid helps with transmission warm up to desired operating range. You have a transmission temperature gauge on the upper right of the gauge pod. If it doesn't move up to near the hot section, (200F) you are fine. The same transmission is used behind the Ford 6.7 Powerstroke diesel and is rared for a maximum of 1,400 nm of torque. The V-10s torque is rated at 625 nm, so there is a lot of head room even for a 30,000 lb chassis