I found out that the heating pad on my Vegas was installed in such a way as to be rather useless. The tank is a very unusual type. It is "L" shaped basically. Very wide and shallow in the vertical section. Extending over the frame and under the driveshaft shield then drops down and is deep where it comes up next to the Black tank. The heating pad was placed at the shallow side toward the far left where waste wont get too until the tank is around 1/2 full.
The low deep part that goes to the drain is unprotected. Consequently I'm adding a pad(s) to the deep part and put a switch to disable the factory pad unless it is over 1/2 full (manufacturer says DO NOT turn on pads unless water in the tank covers it or damage to the tank may occur)
I found out that the heating pad on my Vegas was installed in such a way as to be rather useless. The tank is a very unusual type. It is "L" shaped basically. Very wide and shallow in the vertical section. Extending over the frame and under the driveshaft shield then drops down and is deep where it comes up next to the Black tank. The heating pad was placed at the shallow side toward the center where waste wont get to until the tank is around 1/2 full.
The low deep part that goes to the drain is unprotected. Consequently I'm adding a pad(s) to the deep part and put a switch to disable the factory pad unless it is over 1/2 full (manufacturer says DO NOT turn on pads unless water in the tank covers it or damage to the tank may occur)
right view (frame- grey tank - black tank)
center view (white label is heating pad)
whole view. you can see grey tank label center left
Hard to explain, hard to get good pics too. Just for reference the top of the pic is towards the front. The far right side is where the dump valves are