Originally Posted by SheRoams
The wire with the inline fuse does not connect to anything other than the positive post. It goes back behind the wire bundle and just terminates. Not connected to anything else.
The B+ battery orange wire has to have a fuse and goes from controller to master hot side (battery disconnect) then to buss bar, or battery, so solar is always charging even when that switch is off. (see 3rd pic for master switch in 2022 Tellaro- yours may be different)
Look near that disconnect switch for a 5A-15A fuse. My Tellaro had the same solar controller only 30A, and had a 20A fuse right next to the switch. Pull the switch out to find if needed.
See 2nd pic to see master switch in my Tellaro- B+ orange wire goes to that from B+ fuse seen in 1st pic.
- Test the voltage with a meter on the PV+ and PV- should be anywhere from 14-20VDC
- Test the voltage on the battery terminals, B+ and B- and should read 12-13vdc.
- Check the cables to controller to make sure they have ends stripped enough to make contact.
- Call prev. owner and ask if the controller ever worked.
- Could be a bad controller- just helped a fellow Tellaro owner diagnose that his GoPower 10A controller is not working- voltages were good on all terminals and fuse was ok.
- Possible prev. owner disconnected battery and left PV panels connected- manual says not to do that or have controller powered only by PV. That can destroy the controller.
- Finally- find the manual and be sure battery type is selected correctly for lead-acid deep cycle from what I see in your pics.
Also 3rd pic shows two breaker switches I use to fully disconnect my system if I need to work on it. Optional for PV+, but I got lightly zapped from solar panels when working on B+ buss bar once!
I also changed solar controller from PWM to MPPT that is 20% more efficient.(70% vs 90%)
Good luck!!