I want to add keyless entry to the CAB of my 2023 Thor Pasadena super C. I've searched many forums and only find usable info on the coach door. Any ideas? I'm on Freightliner s2rv chassis and power lock buttons are on dash.
Are you saying you have 2023 Freightliner with power locks but no fobs, so you want to add a wireless fob or a wireless keypad? I would go a Car toys or similar for ideas. You can also stop by one of the locksmith / key maker kiosk that you see in some shopping center or middle of parking lots. It is amazing what they can do and for very good price.
Yes, I have power locks but no fob. I want keyless entry to the cab. Don't really care too much about the side door. I've been looking at the 2101L Avital 1-Way Vehicle Keyless Entry System. Anyone have any experience with this?
Yes, I have power locks but no fob. I want keyless entry to the cab. Don't really care too much about the side door. I've been looking at the 2101L Avital 1-Way Vehicle Keyless Entry System. Anyone have any experience with this?
I assumed you checked your manual to verify the FOB don't come with it? Is it possible the FOBs were simply lost and all you need to do is buy replacements? If so, instructions for programming would be in the manual. If not, any locksmith place can install one for you. In fact, they can even have one that will start the engine if you like.
I have a fob that turns my Catalytic Converter Theft Alarms system On/Off. It is normally ON 24/7 but there are some places where I want to turn it OFF and other places I want to make sure it is On.