There is almost NO water system that does not have some sort of sediment going thru it--complete filtration to stop everything would be excessively costly. And, the piping itself will have buildup/abrasives break loose and travel with the water. Extra filters on the hose supply help a lot, but tend to cause pressure loss when used.
Kantleak is a great name for marketing, but any rubber gasket/seal that moves is going to suffer wear and give out at some point, even Teflon will eventually erode. I have built a PVC manifold to feed the Kantleak and grey/black flush valves using 3/4" brass valving from Lowes--one of them leaked soon afterward, so commercial plumbing stuff suffers from quality control also.
The manifold system mentioned by porthole probably will solve all these leaks--waiting for pics to see if I could replace the Kantleak with other valving.
Kantleak is a great name for marketing, but any rubber gasket/seal that moves is going to suffer wear and give out at some point, even Teflon will eventually erode. I have built a PVC manifold to feed the Kantleak and grey/black flush valves using 3/4" brass valving from Lowes--one of them leaked soon afterward, so commercial plumbing stuff suffers from quality control also.
The manifold system mentioned by porthole probably will solve all these leaks--waiting for pics to see if I could replace the Kantleak with other valving.