My Lovefest with Samsung is now 15 - 20 years old.
9 Samsung TVs
5 Samsung Phones
3 Samsung Tablets
1 Samsung Fridge
1 Samsung Washer
1 Samsung Dryer
1 Samsung Support Number, they are always available and will take your call no matter how old. Twice they have come out to my house to fix a TV at no charge once under a warranty and the other being a failure that they deemed should not have been occurring. They have local Samsung Authorized dealers that have store fronts and mobile dispatch.
The Smart Things apps works with all, I have nothing to configure or setup. I get alerts when washing me or dryer stops via phones or TVs. TVs all have Samsung TV which is 400 free channels including all local stations that will stream assuming you have Wifi which we do 24/7 at home and RV.
I had my Samsung TV in RV go out mysteriously after the blowout tire and inverter getting toasted. I could have replaced the Control board for about $70 bought a brand new TV at best buy on sale for $143. Got the newest version of hardware and software for the RV plus the Mfg warranty.
With that said, we have one Kenmore product, the Dishwasher. If it does we replace. A few months ago we got tired of our GE Refrigerator that was in the garage. It was just old and not very efficient and took up more space than we needed, we bought a Whirlpool from American Freight that had a very minor dent at half the cost. It was chosen in part because it was perfect fit between the two cars and still be able to get access. Quality was not a factor. With that said, my wife complains all the time because whenever you close the Whirlpool refrigerator door, the air pressure from fridge will lift the door of the freezer and the freezer door does not always close
It is under Mfg warranty, so I may find out what Whirlpool support is like real soon.