Need info for lights on awning rail of vegas. Latitude awning. Are they easily replaced? Not on tube or camper. Located on rails that extend.
Need info for lights on awning rail of vegas. Latitude awning. Are they easily replaced? Not on tube or camper. Located on rails that extend.
Need info for lights on awning rail of vegas. Latitude awning. Are they easily replaced? Not on tube or camper. Located on rails that extend.
I had my led lights come off of our 2018 Thor Siesta 24SS when we owned it after 2 years. They were sewn into the awning fabric and the thread gave out. The lights still worked so I just used doubled sided tape and put them back up and this time against the outside wall of the motor home with the tape holding them in place. Worked great. If they had gone out, I could replace them with a new set of lights from Amazon using the tape method as well.