I’m curious where your motorhome’s generator fits in on what you’re doing to get by through outage? Sounds like there may be another generator running.
Also curious how much power your fridge consumes. Sounds like you have residential which often average 1 to 2 kWh per day.
Hope you get power back soon. I was without power for an entire week recently. Generator, even very small one, was a blessing.
If the predictions stay true the storm is supposed to just sit on top of Nashville.
We were completely out of the rain at 1:30 this morning but 99% of our county is without power. Lotsa trees and power lines down, we just got 15 gallons of gas at the only nearby gas station with a generator. Nothing but small to medium branched down around us but I can hear the chainsaws going on the next street over = musta had a big tree go down.
Only 2.5" of rain at our house this time around.
I expect we'll be without grid power for at least several days. Good thing I have the option of 3 stand-alone generators; a Honda 2K, a Yamaha 2.8K, and a 7K/240 VAC. Right now the Honda is powering the house - as long as I don't start any big loads it runs on ECO powering lights and fridge/freezers.
Of course I also have the 4K in the MH on the driveway. But I can only get 15 amps out of it to the house. The Honda can handle 13.3 amps so that's the generator of choice for "maintenance" loads.
See my post above for generator backups.
Right now I'm running the 2.8K Yamaha inverter-generator during the day with an extension cord to the next door neighbor's house for his fridge/freezer/fan lights as well as powering our house with it for the same items. We have a 12K BTU A/C in the bedroom which we can barely add to the load until dark. We usually start it late afternoon and leave the bedroom door open and close all other rooms except the great room/kitchen and it manages to keep us in the 80 to 82 range,
As it gets dark we switch to the 7K generator to accomodate more lights and ensure I'm not going to have to get up in the middle of the night to reset the Yamaha if it trips on overload while cycling the A/C compressor.
The Honda is at the neighbor's across the street for extension cord power to their fridge and freezer and lights/fans.
The MH generator is the final backup, usually only needed if we get low on gas and can't find an open station. In that case we move into the MH and run an extension cord to the Fridge and freeze in the house.
See this thread about my Fridge: