We have a 2023 Thor Scout 18m. Can I charge the Chassy battery thru the hook-up emergency starter under the hood. Enquirering minds want to know.

Assume you mean 'Scope' not Scout- and if you have lithium/UHG (underhood gen.) then yes- that is the best way to keep the chassis battery charged, and will die in 4 days or so. No bilateral charging in any of these. My Tellaro is the same way. I keep a 2A Noco charger on all winter, or when home for more than 3 days.We have a 2023 Thor Scout 18m. Can I charge the Chassy battery thru the hook-up emergency starter under the hood. Enquirering minds want to know.��
See response by WhatnxtRV about his Scope- maybe Thor got their S**t together and added a bilateral charging system. Would be a BIM or BIRD underneath.Your response was just what we needed. Have the SCOPE for 3 months now and still can’t get the name right! Darlene& Gerhard