Courier New4Black
HELP! Getting ready for our shakedown cruise and the A/C has quit working. Book says to reset breaker before doing anything. I'm clueless, as I can't find a breaker box, nor can my adult son. I have Good Sam's ESP, but with a $200. Deductible, I'm hoping for a simple fix. It was working fine yesterday, until it died last night. Since I'm in FL, A/C is a must have!! All suggestions greatly appreciated!
HELP! Getting ready for our shakedown cruise and the A/C has quit working. Book says to reset breaker before doing anything. I'm clueless, as I can't find a breaker box, nor can my adult son. I have Good Sam's ESP, but with a $200. Deductible, I'm hoping for a simple fix. It was working fine yesterday, until it died last night. Since I'm in FL, A/C is a must have!! All suggestions greatly appreciated!