Eight weeks from the order date... I think I was fortunate to order just before most of the RV shows loaded-up the production line. You can imagine all the interest (and orders) that were generated during show season -because the Redwoods on displayshowed well and were really in a class by themselves. Reps looked like they were dealing and booths were always busy.
The two shows I went to here in N.E. were somewhat crowdedand disappointingly filled with mostly low-end and somemidrangeunits. I was hoping to see howhigher priced coaches would compare to my ordered Redwood unit. Butthe Redwoods were always the most expensive in the shows.I suspectthe more expensive"high-end guys" (what's left of them)find that people who buy very expensive units will not be purchasing the "show specials." Redwood really took advantage by displaying the stand-out units of the shows.
Overall, there is really no comparing our Redwoods for tasteful interiors, features, engineering, available options and especially pricing. Glad you guys are getting your units before others see oursand the order-to-delivery times really get long...
Edited by: 5th_Time