First trip with the XG32 4x4


Jan 21, 2023
My wife and I just got back from Dumont Dunes and just wanted to share my thoughts on the new coach, the pulling power is incredible it pulled my 28ft inclosed car trailer with two Can Am X3s fully loaded and 65 gallons of fuel up some steep hills at 70 if it wanted to I mostly set the cruz at 65, the power is where it's at for me, last October we went to the same place using my buddys 07 30ft. Ford F450 V10 pulling the same trailer and on the some of the same hills we were doing 28mph the XG 32 could go 70.

The ride is comfortable smooth and quiet,I've watched some videos where people said it was nosiey inside we didnt notice that at all, it was a enjoyable drive all the way to our site! They probably were used to driving thier luxury cars lol.

Now I want to discuss what I hate about it.....
THE INSTANT HOT WATERLESS TANK,it is NOT instant hot it takes a few to get hot and being where we are it's dry camping so conserving is a must thankfully my buddy that stayed with us brought 55gal. of water with him.

As your're taking a shower I wet down then turn it off wash my hair,face body and turn the water back on and it's hot for 2seconds and then goes cold for a bit the starts getting hot again and in meantime it's just wasting water,and that sucks...I never had that issue with my 5th wheel toy hauler,it had a 10 gallon water tank was wondering if this could be coverted??? maybe some of you could chim in.

Same goes for the toilet what in the world were they thinking, too much water wasting going on here,again was thinking if it can be converted to what I had in my 5th wheel???

While at the dunes we had some wind pickup and the shade over the kitchen slide was flapping up and down like crazy so we put a rope over the top and down the slides and that took care of that, the recliner chairs are ok but not so uncomfortable to go out and purchase new ones,the slide over the cab works a lil goofy but gets the job done.

Those things aside we love it and having 4x4 was the best part of it all, no more worrying getting stuck out in the dunes and having to be pulled out, the outher class Cs in our group all had to be pulled out ,my buddies didn't notice that lil 4x4 badge on the door at first but when they did...:hatw1:

I'm planing on having having 100 gal. water tank under my trailer with a pump so I can keep the coach full at all times so the wife can be happy on those long showers and a fuel station underneath as well that way I dont have to strap down 55gal. drums.

All in all the trip was great and we can't wait to use it again!


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Visting a buddy of mine that past away last year at the age of 45 he worked as a LA county shirff ,we had a mermorial plaque made for him...and to my buddy Chirs you were a great friend and a lot of fun to hang out with we miss you buddy


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Welcome and congratulations.Nice setup! I agree the tankless is not that good but you will learn to live with it. When I shower I set the water temp at 106 and then just use the hot water valve. It does take a bit of time and then when you turn it off to soap up, it is warm for about 20 seconds before cold water comes out for five seconds and then turns hot again. I just make sure I have the handheld down around my knees rinsing off within 20 seconds!
The recliners are a joke. Look at the brochure again. They don't even call them recliners. They are incliners! Feet go up but the back doesn't move. I put in the RecPro 58" recliner and a 7" wide shelf and storage at both ends of the couch. What a difference. I prefer to sit there now.
Hopefully I'll see you out on the trails.
My wife and I just got back from Dumont Dunes and just wanted to share my thoughts on the new coach, ....
THE INSTANT HOT WATERLESS TANK,it is NOT instant hot it takes a few to get hot and being where we are it's dry camping so conserving is a must thankfully my buddy that stayed with us brought 55gal. of water with him.


Same goes for the toilet what in the world were they thinking, too much water wasting going on here,again was thinking if it can be converted to what I had in my 5th wheel???

This 2 items were just 2 of the reasons I developed a hatred for my former XG32. The water heater is a terrible idea and design unless you stay at RV parks with endless water and dump capability and high water pressure. IF I had kept it I was investigating replacing that worthless Girard WH with and old style reliable and predictable tank type.

There toilet problems suffer from a couple issues. First the toilet, even though it appears OK is an entry level model gravity type with a bad bowl design. "Splashing" is a problem. Second and worse is the black tank design and selection by thor. Toilet "product" gets dropped onto a gently sloping shelf in the black tank and then is supposed to slide down into the main part of the tank. Problem is it takes a lot of water to flush the solids off that shelf and frequently result in a huge poop and paper dam that resists moving. 2 choices, get a stick or bent coat hanger to force the solids down or a washing wand, AND when leveling set the drives side low to increase the shelf angle and use lots and lots of water when flushing. Pre flushing can help so the stuff isn't plopped on a dry shelf. Ultimately if you keep the omni you may want to investigate a macerator type toilet. The bath sink is plumbed into the black tank and sink water hit the shelf upstream of the toilet but the flow is not much help in clearing the solids dam.

As I said this 2 items were on the very long list of deficiencies and problems I had with the omni and why it's no longer around. Some deficiencies were annoying, some dangerous to have around. Perhaps yours will have fewer issues.
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This 2 items were just 2 of the reasons I developed a hatred for my former XG32. The water heater is a terrible idea and design unless you stay at RV parks with endless water and dump capability and high water pressure. IF I had kept it I was investigating replacing that worthless Girard WH with and old style reliable and predictable tank type.

There toilet problems suffer from a couple issues. First the toilet, even though it appears OK is an entry level model gravity type with a bad bowl design. "Splashing" is a problem. Second and worse is the black tank design and selection by thor. Toilet "product" gets dropped onto a gently sloping shelf in the black tank and then is supposed to slide down into the main part of the tank. Problem is it takes a lot of water to flush the solids off that shelf and frequently result in a huge poop and paper dam that resists moving. 2 choices, get a stick or bent coat hanger to force the solids down or a washing wand, AND when leveling set the drives side low to increase the shelf angle and use lots and lots of water when flushing. Pre flushing can help so the stuff isn't plopped on a dry shelf. Ultimately if you keep the omni you may want to investigate a macerator type toilet. The bath sink is plumbed into the black tank and sink water hit the shelf upstream of the toilet but the flow is not much help in clearing the solids dam.

As I said this 2 items were on the very long list of deficiencies and problems I had with the omni and why it's no longer around. Some deficiencies were annoying, some dangerous to have around. Perhaps yours will have fewer issues.

Well it looks like you have a ton of haterd towards this model,I have even read your comments reguarding the xg32 and it seems every chance you get you voice your distaste for it, but I still went foward with the purchase and we have APSOLUTELY NO REGRET what so ever there is no such as a perfect motorhome.

In the short time we've owned it we put over 2500 miles on it and it performed flawless other than the few tings I did really care for dosen't make it a horrible coach.

One of my buddys that was camped with us has a couch just like yours and we both have the exact same trailer and when getting ready to leave he buried it to the frame where my XG32 never once spun the tires and 4x4 is a must for me, so after an hour of helping my him dig out his couch and two 4x4 trucks pulling him out we were back on the road and just like his?yours theres things about it I dont like but I'm not gonna bash it to each his own.
Well it looks like you have a ton of haterd towards this model,I have even read your comments reguarding the xg32 and it seems every chance you get you voice your distaste for it, but I still went foward with the purchase and we have APSOLUTELY NO REGRET what so ever there is no such as a perfect motorhome.

In the short time we've owned it we put over 2500 miles on it and it performed flawless other than the few tings I did really care for dosen't make it a horrible coach.

One of my buddys that was camped with us has a couch just like yours and we both have the exact same trailer and when getting ready to leave he buried it to the frame where my XG32 never once spun the tires and 4x4 is a must for me, so after an hour of helping my him dig out his couch and two 4x4 trucks pulling him out we were back on the road and just like his?yours theres things about it I dont like but I'm not gonna bash it to each his own.

It's good you went into this informed because lots of people don't. Then when they are confronted with a cap separating, propane line cut by springs, lack of air conditioning and heating ducting, real ducting, and a bunch of other things, it tends to disillusion them. As long as you know what's coming, good for you and you know you can come here and judge, kwplot and some others on how to fix it. I did the best fix for me, dumped it. Oh I had 3 significant trips in 7 months, around 8K miles when it went away.

Reference the black tank, I recommend you get a tank washing wand, or make one out of 1/2" pvc, so when you get the clog you can quickly wash it down. Second time your wife or girl friend has to dislodge it with a coat hanger don't look for sympathy. Mine had 3 times and her disgust exceeded mine and that says something.

EDIT adding, 4WD wasn't important to me and in fact a waste of available OCCC.
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It's good you went into this informed because lots of people don't. Then when they are confronted with a cap separating, propane line cut by springs, lack of air conditioning and heating ducting, real ducting, and a bunch of other things, it tends to disillusion them. As long as you know what's coming, good for you and you know you can come here and judge, kwplot and some others on how to fix it. I did the best fix for me, dumped it. Oh I had 3 significant trips in 7 months, around 8K miles when it went away.

Reference the black tank, I recommend you get a tank washing wand, or make one out of 1/2" pvc, so when you get the clog you can quickly wash it down. Second time your wife or girl friend has to dislodge it with a coat hanger don't look for sympathy. Mine had 3 times and her disgust exceeded mine and that says something.

EDIT adding, 4WD wasn't important to me and in fact a waste of available OCCC.

Everything you just mentioned hasent hapend to mine and it now has 20k miles the cap is intacted as it was when it rolled out, I looked for the propane line and it's nowhwere near the springs the ac and heat work just fine everything you mentioned we haven't experienced maybe I'm one of those few, one would think at 20k miles something would have happend by now.

So as you added 4wd is a waste for you... it's an absolute necessity for me and I would never even consider buying a motorhome without it.
Everything you just mentioned hasent hapend to mine and it now has 20k miles the cap is intacted as it was when it rolled out, I looked for the propane line and it's nowhwere near the springs the ac and heat work just fine everything you mentioned we haven't experienced maybe I'm one of those few, one would think at 20k miles something would have happend by now.

So as you added 4wd is a waste for you... it's an absolute necessity for me and I would never even consider buying a motorhome without it.

That's good that you haven't had any problems. Thor factory apparently is inconsistent in what they put out. I must have had one built on the Monday after the Super Bowl with all the issues it had. I'm not making up these things, just ask judge, kwplot, and several others about the cap. The OCCC for the omni and magnitudes is rather low and the 4WD takes valuable weight away from it. Most people if given the choice would chose a 2WD and have more capacity. One of the longer models does just that, 2WD. The most off-road most RVs do is wet grass or gravel road.

The propane line was routed through the rear leaf spring at the hanger and was cut by the spring hanger as I remember. Thor claimed it, my VIN, wasn't included in the recall but I could see differently. Line was cut about 1/3 the way through. The way it was built was impossible to re-route and I suspect the new owner probably had to have a new line run. They don't really have schematics they follow at the factory for many things. They also don't have any meaningful QC to check those things. Thus the inconsistent build quality and some are worse than others. Glad you got a good one, I didn't.
That's good that you haven't had any problems. Thor factory apparently is inconsistent in what they put out. I must have had one built on the Monday after the Super Bowl with all the issues it had. I'm not making up these things, just ask judge, kwplot, and several others about the cap. The OCCC for the omni and magnitudes is rather low and the 4WD takes valuable weight away from it. Most people if given the choice would chose a 2WD and have more capacity. One of the longer models does just that, 2WD. The most off-road most RVs do is wet grass or gravel road.

The propane line was routed through the rear leaf spring at the hanger and was cut by the spring hanger as I remember. Thor claimed it, my VIN, wasn't included in the recall but I could see differently. Line was cut about 1/3 the way through. The way it was built was impossible to re-route and I suspect the new owner probably had to have a new line run. They don't really have schematics they follow at the factory for many things. They also don't have any meaningful QC to check those things. Thus the inconsistent build quality and some are worse than others. Glad you got a good one, I didn't.

Guess I got lucky with this one,I read quit a bit before rolling the dice and was aware of the poor QC but I'm mechanically inclined and figured I can fix just about anything that comes up.

And again 2wd is not an option what so ever for me since camping out in the sand dunes is what we primarily do,I don't feel like airing down the tires and still no gararantee you wont get stuck,my buddy that has your exact same coach baried itself instantly,he rolled in hot and pretty much setup camp where he stopped so 4wd is worth every penny,I'm sure most people don't need it but I'm not most people lol and it's the best option I could ask for!

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