short boxes
There are several hitch options for short boxes. We chose the clean bed technology and preferred the full weight of the hitch over the C/L of my axle. I don't believe going aft of the center line is desirable for any sustained period of time. I also prefer the auto sliding ability of a hitch. To my knowledge, that leaves Demco and PullRite as the only true auto-sliders. Although, both use a gear system, I believe the PullRite is in a league of it's own and is also on the higher end of costs. There is always adequate space when making even the tightest of turns and plenty of clearance over the rails. Our whole unit is removable leaving the truck bed clean and having no rails. We also have a Trail-Aire hitch pin with an air-bag helping to cushion the bumps and bridge approaches. I also had MorRyde install their IS and disc braking system and installed 17.5 inch rims and Goodyear G-114 tires. The fact is, road hazards are everywhere and tight turns inevitable, yet despite the most well equipped hitches, best tires, pin boxes, suspensions, etc., nothing will guarantee outcomes. Much of it still has to do with your comfort level and your ability to exercise good judgement, and that includes your weight and speed traveled.