Hi all! I am hoping to be a Z-1 218TD owner within the next week or two. Right now I have a 2015 Rage'n 19EX toy hauler and am having some quality issues with the interior after my third trip taking it out. I have a 2013 Ford Ecoboost with tranny cooler and Airlift 1000 setup on the rear, WD hitch, and usually run it with 85-90 lbs to keep the truck level. Have not had any issues. It tows my Rage'n just fine with 50 gallons of water and my 2011 Honda Foreman in the back. I am also concerned about tongue weight with the Z-1 218TD. Does anyone tow in the mountains rougher terrain? I live in Idaho so my camping is usually in high elevations. I guess I'm just looking for a confidence booster before my purchase...