There are dozens of people on this Forum that have upgraded to LFP (LiFePO4) batteries, probably no two installations are the same.
With the current price of LFP batteries they are cheaper than most AGM and even a lot of Flooded Lead Acid (FLA) batteries, so it definitely a smart choice when changing out the house batteries. And remember, 100 AH of a 100 AH rated LFP battery is usable as opposed to 50 AH of a 100 AH rated lead acid battery.
Your converter/charger will take a very long time to fully charge LFP batteries (if at all) and when it does, and goes into float mode, the LFP batteries will slowly drain to about a 60 to 70 % State Of Charge (SOC). Many people do the LFP upgrade and then just buy a separate lithium compatible charger to top them off when needed until they are ready to upgrade to a lithium compatible converter charger.
The other charging source of the alternator is also something to look at. Large LFP battery banks can overload the alternator and cause it to fail early due to overheating. That can be mitigated with a DC-DC converter or a LI225 BIM. Something to think about.
So that's a quick primer on a LFP upgrade. Go from there and do some research and come back and ask questions as you need to.