I have a small section of bottom molding on my 2019 Thor 28I that was scratched by a renter (we no longer rent). The renter also dented a door and the bottom skirt during rental. I ordered replacement molding, it cost $36.95 for a ten foot section, shipping from Thor was $265.83 (Highway Robbery). Anyhow. The trim section is about 12 inches long and made of metal colored to match the coach. I have removed all the caulking but, for the life of me i cannot figure out how you remove it.
Any ideas on how to safely remove the molding? Do I need a special tool?
Below is a picture of the scratched molding that i need to pull off.
I have a small section of bottom molding on my 2019 Thor 28I that was scratched by a renter (we no longer rent). The renter also dented a door and the bottom skirt during rental. I ordered replacement molding, it cost $36.95 for a ten foot section, shipping from Thor was $265.83 (Highway Robbery). Anyhow. The trim section is about 12 inches long and made of metal colored to match the coach. I have removed all the caulking but, for the life of me i cannot figure out how you remove it.
Any ideas on how to safely remove the molding? Do I need a special tool?
Below is a picture of the scratched molding that i need to pull off.