It has been beneficial by surmising.
If a better, but biased and self centered answer is better than the one you have prior, then it is of great value.
The problem with it now is it will surmise...incorrectly, then use itself as a factual source. It can never stop doing this unless a line of code is implemented so it will negate ai options.
If this code is entered to tag ai opinions so ai won't use them then we can use the same code to recognize ai.
That tribe that worships airplanes only knows what they know about airplanes. They self feed the knowledge. Ai takes itself as a tribal member knowing all they know of airplanes. It is very very self centered.
Ai should be forced to formulate each answer and thought from scratch instead of cumulatively adding entropy by regurgitating itself.
Ask it if you can eat a dog.
Either it will refuse to answer or it will give you a dissertation on the moral value of dog eating.
It's not what you asked.
Now ask it to answer the question with a yes or no.
I was instrumental(and paid) in explaining to ai that;
Having no an agenda.(it took hours).
30 other problems(child marriage vs a child is under 18 by UN decree but countries allow marriages at younger ages therefore child marriage is legal, type of things)
It only knew rifles as guns and had to have pistols explained to it.
It would often just turn itself off if confronted.
When proofs were supplied of its different answer from a period before, such as screen shots, it would deny it used that font, call it a fraud, and shut down. I assume this was a learned reaction from reading reddit or similar.
I was all but impossible to get it to admit that outside vendors supplied the artwork and translations.
I could not make it answer yes or no. It often said 100,000 words and links...then denied doing so.
This job was in the spring. Perhaps the thousands of us(I assume) paid to torment it had a value and now it thinks more clearly.
I haven't touched it since(that I know of)
It uses so damn much electricity it overpowers grids in some places. Good ai may require 300 acres of solar just to tell you something it really doesn't know.
It will however end jobs as it becomes offline knowledge based in an enclosed system.
There are no stenography or typing pools.
There are no rooms of 200 people working slide rules.
There will be no drive in order clerks.
There will be 10,000,000 customer service jobs gone.
If a Tandy pocket calculator ruined the sliderule industry imagine what ai will do to the jobs of simpletons. If it ain't a shovel(insert what you think ai won't do that an 85iq person can), minimum wage types won't be working it.
It is so easy to build a safe word into ai. When it hears it, it tells you if it is ai and what percentage of ai was implemented.
Amazon has its own ai named Rufus.