I want to start a new thread about nothing, and let it run...

My alexa/echo/amazon air quality monitor.
Voc goes up and down throughout the day.
Except for an ozone machine nothing is in the behemoth to cause such to happen...but it does.
It says "Double tap", you know what that means... two rounds through the center.
Highly Intelligent..


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Highly Intelligent..

Highly intelligent> I don't think so.... if he was in an intelligent ignorant hick, why would he even bother to rent a trailer? The smart hicks just get a chain to tie on back of the U haul to pull the truck 4 wheel down with shaft off.

I watched a guy launch a boat off his trailer that was connected to his two jet skis that had their own trailer that was connected to the back of his truck. Looked crazy but he did it all like a pro :eek:
Something new.
I did have a four inch vent, wide open, on the tank(the rain collection pipe) in the tank with the water pickup to the house but the other tank has no vent. They are tied together at the bottom under about 8' of water by a three inch pipe. They are equal size 5,000 gallons each.
I now have no explanation for water climbing four feet above the water line up a one inch, 62feet long, length of pex.
There is a one way check valve on the tank end of te one inch so maybe temperature differentials did fill the one inch line but it didn't pressurize the tanks.
The tanks are nine feet deep. I guess a 40°temperature swing throughout 12 days or so....maybe an inch a day of raise and lower(no lowering of water due to check valve)?
I would think the water weight would keep the check valve shut and there was a valve shut on the far end of the one inch that would pressurize whatever air was in the one inch line.

I'm out of league here. I can grasp it all, I know of water rams and such...but I need some information filled in.
Did the nonvented tank pump water to the vented tank as the day warmed up, then vacuum it back in as night cooled it, accumulating a four foot(above tank water level) column in the one inch pipe even though it would have to compress some air to do it?

So far it's just A gift to me from some benevolent something...but I'd rather know why.
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Something new.
I did have a four inch vent, wide open, on the tank(the rain collection pipe) in the tank with the water pickup to the house but the other tank has no vent. They are tied together at the bottom under about 8' of water by a three inch pipe. They are equal size 5,000 gallons each.
I now have no explanation for water climbing four feet above the water line up a one inch, 62feet long, length of pex.
There is a one way check valve on the tank end of te one inch so maybe temperature differentials did fill the one inch line but it didn't pressurize the tanks.
The tanks are nine feet deep. I guess a 40°temperature swing throughout 12 days or so....maybe an inch a day of raise and lower(no lowering of water due to check valve)?
I would think the water weight would keep the check valve shut and there was a valve shut on the far end of the one inch that would pressurize whatever air was in the one inch line.

I'm out of league here. I can grasp it all, I know of water rams and such...but I need some information filled in.
Did the nonvented tank pump water to the vented tank as the day warmed up, then vacuum it back in as night cooled it, accumulating a four foot(above tank water level) column in the one inch pipe even though it would have to compress some air to do it?

So far it's just A gift to me from some benevolent something...but I'd rather know why.

I need a visual to follow fully. Tad lost with with two tanks 5,000 gallons each connected but under 8 ft of water?

Temperature can impact pressure and volumes, but the length and size of the piping should not be a factor in static pressure. It only becomes a factor when you have water flowing.

It reminds me of when I was having my pool plastered, the workers were about halfway through and I wanted to help by relieving the pressure off the filter tanks, because I knew it would be a while before I used the pumps. The weight of the water (pressure head) forced the water back unto the empty pool and created a mess in the plaster around both skimmers and walls. I speak a little Spanish, but I can assure you I had never heard what they were saying or who they was saying was a diablo, but it was very clear they not happy hombres :whistling:
There are two tanks, end to end.
Their connection is a three inch pipe at the bottom of the nine feet tall tanks.
The tanks have eight feet of water in them.

My pool guys were in a slow slump in 2008.
All older guys. They jumped at the chance to have some work. It was a full replaster retile redeck.
They cut three inch round pieces from the sides of gallon milk jugs and polished the new plaster by hand. Two fingers...round and round. The entire pool.
Marmorino semigloss finish. A special mixture. Maybe eight colors of veins running through it. Designed to look like an Arizona stormy sky.
I doubt the new owners of our place have any idea.
Of course the damn thing just looks as blue as a doughboy most of the time.


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Highly Intelligent..

About half of the stuff I see on Facebook anymore is fake.

With the proliferation of AI it is getting to the point you need to question everything. A video of anybody can be created that looks like the actual person speaking and with AI you can make them say anything you want. You just need a recording of their voice and AI can break it up into syllables.

Phone calls are created that sound like one of your children calling for help. It is easy to see how folks can get scammed. Caller ID's are easy to fake.

If you get a call from someone you know asking for help tell them you need to hang up and call them back.
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Right now is the last time we will be able to recognize AI for what it is. Five years from now, AI will have gotten so good we'll never recognize it. At that point, AI will feed each person their own individualized, custom-curated information designed to conform to what that person already believes is true.

AI won't need Skynet, terminators, killer robots, or any of that. All it has to do is begin tweaking the information it feeds us to motivate us all to kill each other.
Right now is the last time we will be able to recognize AI for what it is. Five years from now, AI will have gotten so good we'll never recognize it. At that point, AI will feed each person their own individualized, custom-curated information designed to conform to what that person already believes is true.

AI won't need Skynet, terminators, killer robots, or any of that. All it has to do is begin tweaking the information it feeds us to motivate us all to kill each other.

I don't believe for one second that the benefit to humanity from AI will outway the negative side of it. We are already seeing the downsides and like you pont out it is just in its infance

Old school i am but there is just no good outcome that i can forsee
It has been beneficial by surmising.
If a better, but biased and self centered answer is better than the one you have prior, then it is of great value.

The problem with it now is it will surmise...incorrectly, then use itself as a factual source. It can never stop doing this unless a line of code is implemented so it will negate ai options.
If this code is entered to tag ai opinions so ai won't use them then we can use the same code to recognize ai.

That tribe that worships airplanes only knows what they know about airplanes. They self feed the knowledge. Ai takes itself as a tribal member knowing all they know of airplanes. It is very very self centered.

Ai should be forced to formulate each answer and thought from scratch instead of cumulatively adding entropy by regurgitating itself.

Ask it if you can eat a dog.
Either it will refuse to answer or it will give you a dissertation on the moral value of dog eating.
It's not what you asked.
Now ask it to answer the question with a yes or no.

I was instrumental(and paid) in explaining to ai that;
Having no agenda...is an agenda.(it took hours).
30 other problems(child marriage vs a child is under 18 by UN decree but countries allow marriages at younger ages therefore child marriage is legal, type of things)
It only knew rifles as guns and had to have pistols explained to it.
It would often just turn itself off if confronted.
When proofs were supplied of its different answer from a period before, such as screen shots, it would deny it used that font, call it a fraud, and shut down. I assume this was a learned reaction from reading reddit or similar.
I was all but impossible to get it to admit that outside vendors supplied the artwork and translations.
I could not make it answer yes or no. It often said 100,000 words and links...then denied doing so.

This job was in the spring. Perhaps the thousands of us(I assume) paid to torment it had a value and now it thinks more clearly.
I haven't touched it since(that I know of)

It uses so damn much electricity it overpowers grids in some places. Good ai may require 300 acres of solar just to tell you something it really doesn't know.

It will however end jobs as it becomes offline knowledge based in an enclosed system.
There are no stenography or typing pools.
There are no rooms of 200 people working slide rules.
There will be no drive in order clerks.
There will be 10,000,000 customer service jobs gone.
If a Tandy pocket calculator ruined the sliderule industry imagine what ai will do to the jobs of simpletons. If it ain't a shovel(insert what you think ai won't do that an 85iq person can), minimum wage types won't be working it.

It is so easy to build a safe word into ai. When it hears it, it tells you if it is ai and what percentage of ai was implemented.

Amazon has its own ai named Rufus.
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Right now is the last time we will be able to recognize AI for what it is. Five years from now, AI will have gotten so good we'll never recognize it. At that point, AI will feed each person their own individualized, custom-curated information designed to conform to what that person already believes is true.

AI won't need Skynet, terminators, killer robots, or any of that. All it has to do is begin tweaking the information it feeds us to motivate us all to kill each other.

Being a former Sr. Computer engineer, we can program AI to produce any result we want.
Google is just finishing a huge data center on the outskirts of town here. These complexes are the root of what is referred to as "AI", which is essentially collected and compiled information.

Amazon is doing the same. There's nothing nefarious or conspiratorial about it. It's their business model. They collect every scrap of VERY DETAILED information about customer purchasing habits. Then that information is compiled and used in ways to advertise products. Every interaction, screen tap and spoken word is captured and analyzed. Just think if this effort went into finding a way to provide healthcare for every citizen instead of the business model it is.

Graphics and sound can now be modeled to be nearly indistinguishable from the original source. Yes it is replacing human actors in commercials, which are more realistic than cartoonish caricatures. No need for actors or cartoonists... just have the images modeled by a computer.

Why? It's a predictable course when the masses have devolved into insatiable consumers. It's a lot more efficient than door to door sales. Everything possible is turned into a commodity for sale. And people have become well trained screen watchers. Steve Jobs knew this better than anyone.

It's not the government spying on you, it's private enterprise trying to separate you from your cash. And if you don't have cash, just use a credit card. :rolleyes:
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It has been beneficial by surmising.
If a better, but biased and self centered answer is better than the one you have prior, then it is of great value.

The problem with it now is it will surmise...incorrectly, then use itself as a factual source. It can never stop doing this unless a line of code is implemented so it will negate ai options.
If this code is entered to tag ai opinions so ai won't use them then we can use the same code to recognize ai.

That tribe that worships airplanes only knows what they know about airplanes. They self feed the knowledge. Ai takes itself as a tribal member knowing all they know of airplanes. It is very very self centered.

Ai should be forced to formulate each answer and thought from scratch instead of cumulatively adding entropy by regurgitating itself.

Ask it if you can eat a dog.
Either it will refuse to answer or it will give you a dissertation on the moral value of dog eating.
It's not what you asked.
Now ask it to answer the question with a yes or no.

I was instrumental(and paid) in explaining to ai that;
Having no agenda...is an agenda.(it took hours).
30 other problems(child marriage vs a child is under 18 by UN decree but countries allow marriages at younger ages therefore child marriage is legal, type of things)
It only knew rifles as guns and had to have pistols explained to it.
It would often just turn itself off if confronted.
When proofs were supplied of its different answer from a period before, such as screen shots, it would deny it used that font, call it a fraud, and shut down. I assume this was a learned reaction from reading reddit or similar.
I was all but impossible to get it to admit that outside vendors supplied the artwork and translations.
I could not make it answer yes or no. It often said 100,000 words and links...then denied doing so.

This job was in the spring. Perhaps the thousands of us(I assume) paid to torment it had a value and now it thinks more clearly.
I haven't touched it since(that I know of)

It uses so damn much electricity it overpowers grids in some places. Good ai may require 300 acres of solar just to tell you something it really doesn't know.

It will however end jobs as it becomes offline knowledge based in an enclosed system.
There are no stenography or typing pools.
There are no rooms of 200 people working slide rules.
There will be no drive in order clerks.
There will be 10,000,000 customer service jobs gone.
If a Tandy pocket calculator ruined the sliderule industry imagine what ai will do to the jobs of simpletons. If it ain't a shovel(insert what you think ai won't do that an 85iq person can), minimum wage types won't be working it.

It is so easy to build a safe word into ai. When it hears it, it tells you if it is ai and what percentage of ai was implemented.

Amazon has its own ai named Rufus.

It can't

Ai should be forced to formulate each answer and thought from scratch instead of cumulatively adding entropy by regurgitating itself.

Someone not as intelligent as we are must program it.
Instructions are provided to the programming staff by upper Bosses
Now for something entirely different%

I did this last night after straining my neck leaned over three times this much stuff sorting nuts and bolts from screws.

I didn't throw anything in anger. I barely even cussed. I went up to the house and took a nap.
As close to caring as I got was
'Alexa, close up the behemoth'
Ensuring that doors were closed and lights were off and thermostats were set.

I'll be damned.
That stuff is STILL on the floor this morning when I went to the shop.
I'll be sitting cross-legged scooping up this stuff before I can move on to my plan of the day.


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That sounded like a bunch of screws and washers hitting the floor... ;)

That's my relief valve to stave off a blood pressure rising event of cussing, bitching and moaning.
1" (maybe 3/4, i don't remember)thick rubber floors so no noise beyond what you'd hear by running your fingers through this stuff, just a dull tinkle.

I threw all of that floor stuff away and sorted the nuts and bolts i had separated before the spill.
I am practicing throwing things away. It seems so senseless and wasteful. Thousands of dollars of commons and uncommons.

I dearly love this thing in the picture.

I spread the nuts and bolts out on my big table.
Turned a Playlist of sci-fi clips on YouTube (I am not a fan of music as white noise. Generally i prefer no noise but the sound clips kept me from focusing...and that's the plan. They distract me from being distracted.)
And happily did a mindless task.
Then, instead of making the valve wrenches I had planned to do, I took a three hour nap.
Wrenches and welding and pissing me off will be tomorrow's task.

I don't know that I've ever mentioned my big table.
It's 4x8 with 360° casters that retract and levelers that extend.
Three(usually)layers of 3/4" plywood as a top.
There is a four foot wide giant roll of craft paper attached to one end.
I can reel off a new perfectly clean work surface in just a moment.
Paper is held in place with magnets along the lower edge of the table.
Any notes or dimensions I've written on the tables paper cover have their picture taken then archived.


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Now for something entirely different%

I did this last night after straining my neck leaned over three times this much stuff sorting nuts and bolts from screws.

I didn't throw anything in anger. I barely even cussed. I went up to the house and took a nap.
As close to caring as I got was
'Alexa, close up the behemoth'
Ensuring that doors were closed and lights were off and thermostats were set.

I'll be damned.
That stuff is STILL on the floor this morning when I went to the shop.
I'll be sitting cross-legged scooping up this stuff before I can move on to my plan of the day.

Looks like one of my junk boxes. I don't throw any hardware away and when a container gets full I just start another one. Probably a waste of time. Could save time by just going to the hardware store but where is the fun in that. I suspect I inherited this junk box habit from my father and grandfather. They never threw anything away. One can understand why my grandfather saved everything. You could not just hop in the truck and go to town in those days. It was an all day affair to go shopping. I remember as a child finding old Prince Albert cans of bent nails he had saved. If times were hard you could just straighten a nail and re-use it.
Looks like one of my junk boxes. I don't throw any hardware away and when a container gets full I just start another one. Probably a waste of time. Could save time by just going to the hardware store but where is the fun in that. I suspect I inherited this junk box habit from my father and grandfather. They never threw anything away. One can understand why my grandfather saved everything. You could not just hop in the truck and go to town in those days. It was an all day affair to go shopping. I remember as a child finding old Prince Albert cans of bent nails he had saved. If times were hard you could just straighten a nail and re-use it.

We lived for years having a 50-mile round trip to a small town that may or may not have what you needed. Throwing away anything was sacrilege and stupid. all spare parts/junk was sorted and arranged in bins.

Time was more of a concern than the trip or purchasing new and we kept many different bins of bolts/screws, fasteners and so on new also. Now i live a few minutes from Menards, Home Depot, Lowes, Ace and others so all that isnt as necessary as it once was.

Like Duck we are downsizing and a weekly trip to the thrift store that supports the Humane Society is always made with donatable usable items.
Red and Rita were a long married couple who lived near me in Missouri(Greenthumb mo is maybe not on any map. It is between Louisburg and Urbana)when I was 14ish. They were Very simple minded and living essentially an offgrid life. They had lived this way since before the great depression.
Rita had bins Red had hand hewn from the local blackwalnut trees.

I know the capitalized phrase below has become a bit of a meme type joke but really, truly, and having a great deal of weight on my cynical mom and on my sarcastic self, a humbling we both took as serious as a Catholic Confirmation;

Rita truly had a bin marked:
They couldn't afford to throw away a can lid that might become a roof patch or short string that might pack bearing or tooth cavity.

They caused me to use a different tone in my voice and a different character to my character when we went 'a vizzten'.
I was a respectful kid in general but I didn't understand the morality of it until I met Red and Rita. Before them my politeness to adults was just a parlor trick. I was not used to the sincerity Red and Rita invoked in me.

They are still in my head.

I am eternally grateful.(I'm still gonna throw things away en bulk. It's killing me a bit, but I'm doing it.)
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