Possible causes:
Hydraulic motor is run off the house battery, Only use with engine on and shore cord plugged in when possible. Do not unplug your shore cord until you have lifted your hydraulic jacks.
Low battery voltage will cause the 100 amp breaker to trip, located in the battery compartment located next to inside coach step. Once cooled off you can reset the breaker by pushing in the popped out side lever mounted on the side of the breaker.
Note: Hydraulic pump works off the house battery, but the LCI level control panel is powered by the chassis battery system.
Resetting control panel by turning off and back on again the ignition on the chassis motor and then push in the FRONT, REAR, LEFT, RIGHT button all at the same time.
How to lift up a stuck LCI hydraulic system if the above comments to do resolve your issue.
Option 1: Use a set a jumper cables to go from the positive post on the house battery direct to the motor side post on the hydraulic motor. (I have not tried this but my RV has a sticker on the side of the hydraulic fluid reservoir stating this is possible. With all jacks down fluid level should be 75% full, with jacks up you should be 95% full.
Option 2. See owners manual. Use a Allen wrench to rotate hydraulic valve from automatic to manual. Remove rubber plug off hydraulic motor end cap. Use a cordless drill in reverse with a socket to manually turn motor to lift up hydraulic feet. Reset hydraulic valve back to automatic. Reset control panel and turn on and off again the engine, use control panel to auto retract all jacks to clear the error on the control panel screen. You might have to try this several times between turning the engine on and off, resetting the control panel and attempting to lift the feet again.
Option 3. See Owners manual. Use a wrench to loosen the hose off each lowered feet to let the fluid poor out of the piston. Manually lift each foot as fluid leaks all out of the loosened joints. You will have to refill the hydraulic fluid and reset the control panel (see above), as well as turn the engine on and off again a few more times until you can use the control panel to auto retract all feet.
Hydraulic motor is run off the house battery, Only use with engine on and shore cord plugged in when possible. Do not unplug your shore cord until you have lifted your hydraulic jacks.
Low battery voltage will cause the 100 amp breaker to trip, located in the battery compartment located next to inside coach step. Once cooled off you can reset the breaker by pushing in the popped out side lever mounted on the side of the breaker.
Note: Hydraulic pump works off the house battery, but the LCI level control panel is powered by the chassis battery system.
Resetting control panel by turning off and back on again the ignition on the chassis motor and then push in the FRONT, REAR, LEFT, RIGHT button all at the same time.
How to lift up a stuck LCI hydraulic system if the above comments to do resolve your issue.
Option 1: Use a set a jumper cables to go from the positive post on the house battery direct to the motor side post on the hydraulic motor. (I have not tried this but my RV has a sticker on the side of the hydraulic fluid reservoir stating this is possible. With all jacks down fluid level should be 75% full, with jacks up you should be 95% full.
Option 2. See owners manual. Use a Allen wrench to rotate hydraulic valve from automatic to manual. Remove rubber plug off hydraulic motor end cap. Use a cordless drill in reverse with a socket to manually turn motor to lift up hydraulic feet. Reset hydraulic valve back to automatic. Reset control panel and turn on and off again the engine, use control panel to auto retract all jacks to clear the error on the control panel screen. You might have to try this several times between turning the engine on and off, resetting the control panel and attempting to lift the feet again.
Option 3. See Owners manual. Use a wrench to loosen the hose off each lowered feet to let the fluid poor out of the piston. Manually lift each foot as fluid leaks all out of the loosened joints. You will have to refill the hydraulic fluid and reset the control panel (see above), as well as turn the engine on and off again a few more times until you can use the control panel to auto retract all feet.