Hello all and thanks in advanced for some advice. I have a 2018 CR-zinger 288RR toy hauler. My water pump went out. (internal wiring fell apart) I replaced it with a new pump that was bigger faster and stronger. ( according to the specs.) Before it went out I had sufficient water pressure in the shower to take a reasonable shower. I put the new pump in and went through and ran water through all the lines. (sink, outside shower, toilet, and shower) When I got to the shower on hot or cold I just get a more than a trickle but not a shower spray. The new pump surges as to say not a constant on. I was told that is how it works but I am not sure on that. I get great pressure in the sink and the toilet and even the outside shower. This is a problem that happens when running off of tank water. I have yet to use the shower on city water. Any ideas on what to trouble shoot would be great!!
Heath O.
Heath O.