Looks good, but still waiting for everything to be finished up. Alot of the floorplans etc are still not loaded. Plus they need to update stuff like the construction standards for the Crossroads TT, they have changed alot in the last 2 years.
OK, so why would you launch a new site that isn't complete right when the prime RV season is about to begin? I noticed a lot of info isn't loaded to the site yet....
I wonder if due to the amount of data that needs to be uploaded and/or refreshed if they are not completing it in stages?? Looks like they might have a new web guy on board...
Nor sure what they are going for but in my opinion the new site misses the mark. I get that they went for edgy and youthful, but pictures of the various RV's parked in the city? I don't get that...... Also the family forum is now the Fan Club(!) complete with the Rock On hand gesture logo. I know CR just launched the new ToyHauler for which the new theme fits, but it does not seem to have anything to do with he rest of the lines.
I love my SS Trail, but the new marketing effort makes the CR product look less than distinguished. My guess is new web developer / marketing guru who doesn't understand he product, audience or RV lifestyle.
My two cents.......
Yes, I was about to cancel my reservation to camp Callaway Gardens this coming weekend and stay in town but then realized Atlanta city ordinance will not allow me to setup in front of the stadium, on a random city street, in the alley next to a dumpster or in an abandoned warehouse. So much or the inspiration provided by the new pics on the site.
By the way... why is the Slingshot parked next to the graffiti laden dumpster? Lol
I would recommend everyone being vocal about this if you disapprove of the new marketing direction. I know it may seem to not matter, but at the least it can and will affect the future value of you CR rig.
I bought my SS Trail in Nov of last year and can tell you that there is a good possibility I would not have, had the site been what it is now. I had never heard of CR and relied on the site to make me feel 'at home' with the brand. The new site makes the product look like a joke.
I think they need to poll their demographics,,,,actual buyers.
I too would not have gotten past the homepage when I was shopping for a new RV.
Its a shame, I think they are loosing customers as we speak (type).
I grew up rockin and rollin and I do a lot of work with youths so I keep up on the musicand I am sure that this web site will appeal to the younger generation. As a marketing major this is a complete miss. They are not directing this at the people who are buying their product. I do not know many 18 - 25 year olds that are in the market for a new camper. I also do not get the city parked pics. Give it a month. When they find they are not getting any internet leads or contacts, it will change.
As for publishing an incomplete site - that is a management decision to hit a date rather than quality. I see it all the time in my business and it ends up trickling down to production of the product as well. That does not bode well for the next generation of campers. Glad I bought a new one now and won't be looking to upgrade for a few years.
I wonder, did they test market any of this to a demographic focus group?
The old site needed updating , that was definate. I do not think they are getting what they intended though. Anyway, I gave them my feedback and received a reply stating some of the images were temporary and they were looking for people to chime in with additional thoughts as they continued to update the site.
Wow I thought I went to the wrong site. Its different but not all bad. I just purchased myTT a month ago and actually the old website played a part in the purchase. I likedall the info on it and really liked the Family Forum. I made the purchase to spend quality time outdoorswith my Wife 2 little girls and my dog. I now realize I was going about this all wrong. I need to fly solograb my guitar wedge my Slingshot in the seediest alley in Chicago next to a dumpster and Rock on!
Not a big fan of it, guess thats why I never went to the fan club to find the forum...every other site on the web is called a forum, where do they come up with a fan club? I agree, takes alot of the professionalism away from the old site...but like with everything else in this world...change with it, or get left behind!
NGV, New Generation Vehicles. I gotta say I like it. Although I agree it does tend to lean towards the younger buyers. Maybe they are steeringeveryone elseto the Redwood site???
CrossRoads Marketing here - Thank you all for your feedback. We are re-branding and updating the website, but it is certainly not final. We have more changes to make. Please keep the feedback coming. We'll take it all into consideration....