New Website

You can ban me if you want. I don't like it at all. You do have to show us more.
I agree with Keith...but in all honesty it is geared toward the wrong demographics for sure...young people are lucky they can come up with 10% down for a new home, let alone the money for an RV also...unless of course the RV is for living in. I have faith they will change it, they do seem to listen to us. Give them a little slack on this, we have heard from them and they do appreciate our input.
RandyFerree said:
Not a big fan of it, guess thats why I never went to the fan club to find the forum...every other site on the web is called a forum, where do they come up with a fan club? I agree, takes alot of the professionalism away from the old site...but like with everything else in this world...change with it, or get left behind!

I'llvolunteer tobe left behind ... jus' sayn' ...
Travel Safe
I found it hard to follow I think that your market is 40 year old's and up, This I feel is aimed more toward the youth market

Edited by: fhenn
My opinion is your major RV sales would come from say the 40 to 65 year old crowd. Now I am no marketing expert that is just my opinion. If that is the case then I would think you would want to play to that age group on the web site. Now I am not saying the younger crowd does not buy RV's because we have a lot of younger folks on here that own units. I am basing the age group mentioned above off all the different forums I am a member of and what I see on those as far as ages of the members that I see posting. I also base that off the ages of the people we see in different RV parks. Just my opinion for what it is worth. Edited by: Hunter11
I agree with all the a fore mentioned. Chalk me up as one of the groaner also.
Some elements of the new site are appealing and some will not resonate

with new or existing customers. CR should go after the younger market

but I don't see how photoshopped images of their products in unlikely

urban settings or on a beach accomplish that. I don't think someone

looking at the site can picture themselves in a TT under an overpass,

steps away from a convention center, or on the beach in front of

multi-million dollar homes. You guys need to present this in a manner

whereby someone perceives themselves as the person in the ad. Unless

you're going after 20 something-models I suggest you rethink those

initial homepage images.
I just did a quick look at the demographics of RV buyers. Number one age group is 35-49. Retiring baby boomers will be the second largest group over the next decade. Guess that means us old farts. Family values apparently appeal to both age groups.
My rambling thoughts:
1. Do NOT call the forum a fan club. Huge turn off.
2. Have a clearly defined demographic for the buyers of CR RVs. Obviously, what appeals to a Cruiser buyer will be different than what appeals to a Slingshot buyer.
3. Key marketing in on your top one or two age groups and target them.
4. Do NOT attempt to be all things to all RV buyers. History shows that technique always fails
5. Excel at what you do best're really missing the boat here. Camping is NOT about inner city. back alleys, and stadiums! Mountainsides, lakes, streams, campfires, family fun, sunny days, happy times... not the darkside. I don't think real camping people gave you input here.

Also, no floorplans on the SS Trail site. or did I miss something?

Gary and Judy
To put my demographic data with my earlier posts- mid 30's, married, two young kids, active outdoor lifestyle. Nine month of the year we are all about camping and boating. This is our second travel trailer (2012 SS Trail 31bh).
I think the brands we choose are done in large part to how much we identify with the brand. Right or wrong I identified CR as a higher end product with features than the other brands lacked, a step above. The product accomplished this along with the marketing.
I think the strong response being registered by the core group on the forum is because we identify with CR and now CR has decided to shrug off that identity to reach a market that cannot and will not buy the product. I would feel the same way as a Sea Ray owner if they decided to ditch their higher end audience and go instead for a glam/rocker/twenty something market, which would never work because with few exceptions that market cannot afford the product!
Among other things I identify with and am proud to own a Sea Ray. I would expect that unless something changes I will own many more of them in my lifetime. I feel the same way so far with my experience as a CrossRoads owner. I feel the new image seemingly being created changes that, cheapens that and I am not happy about it.
Sorry so long winded........

Edited by: Jpamacorp
I feel like i'm old, at 32 I cant imagine CR is aiming at a much younger crowd than myself. I have looked at the site a dozen times today wanting to understand it but I dont. I get the Travis Pastrana connection but nothing else. As a new buyer the entire CR lineup said clean classy and quality. Looking at the new site I think man I hope they dont park next to me at the campground. While I do like to rock thats not why i'm here. I'm here to be part of the CR family and their Family Forum. CR says who wants to rock I say who wants to camp?
I don't understand the product positioning, under the "about" heading....
It says nothing about the Rushmore and higher end units...
Plus the whole positioning page I find confusing.

Perhaps the marketing team could tell us what their ideology or goal is. I may be missing the whole point.

If I saw this website for the first time today,,,,I would not have purchased a Sunset Trail. Likely I would have gone onto the next site. It is telling me the wrong message.

I think CR needs some focus groups.
Or a survey.

At the very least, a refund on web design fees.
Travis Pastrana shouldnt be a poster child for the CR. How do they relate a motorcycle/rally car/nascar (hopefully) to a higher end line of trailers. We just purchased a sunset trail and loved the forum...just the new look really turns me away...but, i bookmarked the forum so I go straight to it!
Looks like the same old story. A company is doing well, new management comes in and thinks that they know better how to run things than anyone else. The next step is to change how everything is done, alienate their customer base and finally close up shop because no one is buying their produce anymore. The CEO of Thor needs to wake up and see what is going on with this company.
OK George just said what I was originally going to post about the web site. If it ain't broke why try and fix it! I have been watching the news releases of all the changes in the Crossroads/Redwood management and have to wonder why so many of the people that were with Crossroads for so many years are leaving. Then the next thing you know the web site goes hip. Now maybeI am reading more into it than need be but maybe thismight be history repeating itself.
As a new CR ST owner, I don't get the new website either. We'll likely take delivery next week of our new TT. We bought because we felt the ST was a higher standard, more polished, classy looking TT. We also bought because we read great things on this board, and others, about the customer service.

On the old site, and the new site, I found it difficult to figure out the target market for each brand. What's the difference between a ST, Crusier, Rushmore, Zinger, etc. Why would I pick one over the other? What is the difference in the manufacturing? warranty? standards vs optional equipment, etc.? A table with the brand on the left, items on the top, and check marks in the corresponding boxes for each in the table would have been helpful.

The new website makes no sense to us. My wife and I are both 51, no children. This is our 3rd TT, having started with a popup at about age 40. Camping is about the outdoors. It's not about dark alleys next to graffiti dumpsters, or placing an nice trailer on the beach. I also could care less about the 'super model(s)' in the foreground of the marketing images. I want to see the product - front and center, in a nice OUTDOOR setting. That's where I'm going to camp. That's where I see myself using this product. If I want urban, I'll stay in a hotel downtown.

When I make any purchase, I research. I'm an engineer by trade, software, and I make decisions based on information. I want a website that answers my questions. Give me tons of information about why I should by YOUR product.

What is your ONE unique selling position? Focus on that and how it makes you bettter than your competition. Don't list features, but tell me why those features BENEFIT me as your prospective customer. Why does a 5/8 floor matter? Why is a 1 piece roof better? Why screws instead of welding? If the website doesn't answer the WHY questions? it's of no value to me.
gball said:
Looks like the same old story. A company is doing well, new management comes in and thinks that they know better how to run things than anyone else. The next step is to change how everything is done, alienate their customer base and finally close up shop because no one is buying their produce anymore. The CEO of Thor needs to wake up and see what is going on with this company.

Well said George!!
Just to add another thought---It does seem that when new team members come on board there is a tendency to "have" to change stuff. Most of the time not for the better either. Being the new kid on the block also comes with some adult responsibility. Maybe you guys should take a step back and rethink your decision. I know, sometimes it's hard to admit you made a mistake, or, (what do them old farts know about marketing). Maybe nothing, but I can you tell one thing, "we know what we like", and I don't like this new design!!

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