As a new CR ST owner, I don't get the new website either. We'll likely take delivery next week of our new TT. We bought because we felt the ST was a higher standard, more polished, classy looking TT. We also bought because we read great things on this board, and others, about the customer service.
On the old site, and the new site, I found it difficult to figure out the target market for each brand. What's the difference between a ST, Crusier, Rushmore, Zinger, etc. Why would I pick one over the other? What is the difference in the manufacturing? warranty? standards vs optional equipment, etc.? A table with the brand on the left, items on the top, and check marks in the corresponding boxes for each in the table would have been helpful.
The new website makes no sense to us. My wife and I are both 51, no children. This is our 3rd TT, having started with a popup at about age 40. Camping is about the outdoors. It's not about dark alleys next to graffiti dumpsters, or placing an nice trailer on the beach. I also could care less about the 'super model(s)' in the foreground of the marketing images. I want to see the product - front and center, in a nice OUTDOOR setting. That's where I'm going to camp. That's where I see myself using this product. If I want urban, I'll stay in a hotel downtown.
When I make any purchase, I research. I'm an engineer by trade, software, and I make decisions based on information. I want a website that answers my questions. Give me tons of information about why I should by YOUR product.
What is your ONE unique selling position? Focus on that and how it makes you bettter than your competition. Don't list features, but tell me why those features BENEFIT me as your prospective customer. Why does a 5/8 floor matter? Why is a 1 piece roof better? Why screws instead of welding? If the website doesn't answer the WHY questions? it's of no value to me.