mine was installed by Camping World, they did a not real good job to say the least, Camping World is tied in with Sapilia RV, and these guys are wayyyyyyyyyy bad, the installed the awning and shorted the electric to the bedroom, first the denied the problem and after a lenghty conversation they finally admitted the problem was there doing, I had a local guy her check it and it cost 140.00 for the service call and for him to do some wiring work so we did have power in the bedroom but none of the outside plugs worked, I took it back to camping world, which is almost 2 hrs from home, after a lenghty heated and long discussion they fixed the wiring and paid me for the service call, I had to leave the camper there to have it repaired when I picked it up the lube plate was broken, all the outside storage doors were unlocked, and they never tested to see if it worked, they were happy to test it when I got there after more talks, Camping World is ok to buy from but since they now use alot of dealer techs the service sucks, I will but from them over the net but never will they do anything service wise again, everything is now repaired and everything works great....I bought the awning in Feb, when they were on sale,