re 36RE: On our way to Ft Worth, the TV came off the brackets dropping the left corner down onto the counter. We found that the welds on the bracket had gave way allowing the TV to bounce off the tracks. They, of course, had to order a new bracket from the factory. We got the TV back on track, secured as best as we could with the existing screws and I used heavy bungie cords to wrap the bracket on the TV to the bracket on the wall.
The key pad for the keyless entry has not worked yet. They sent us one from the lock company, but they could not get it to work either. It was found that the lock company had sent a used unit that had an unknown code already on it. For our troubles, the lock company is sending a new one with fobs for our troubles.
I have seen some issues with the ceiling fan blades hitting the slide as it comes in. I had noticed the blades doing this, but usually they would slide over the top. While at the dealer, I was running my slides in and the blade caught and snapped in two. Fortunately they had a new fan to replace it with. The service manager tried to tell me it was my fault for not making sure the blades were in the right position before running the slide in. The tech told me that the blade handles can be adjusted manually to allow the blade to go over the slide without issue. He showed me and it works. That may be simple solution - also my fan is recessed into the ceiling. Food for thought.