To all you
'I will change it myself' folk;
If you haven't actually done this in the comfort of your many of us think you're fooling yourselves?
If you haven’t practiced changing a tire(more than once) why should we assume we can change the tire based on your consideration when indeed you haven't any recent rv experiences? Now add in 3000 road sharpened pieces of steel cable from the blow out...add the 180°f pavement and the 140°f tire...add the wheel stuck, even slightly, on the hub being a 90% chance of needing a big ass hammer to dislodge it...who are you telling to do this? Housewives and life long cube dweller and totally inexperienced folk who don't even own a hammer? Think of the audience and adjust to it.
I am just asking others because I have indeed changed the tire and installed the tire chains on mine as practice and posted picture proofs of such throughout the years here.
I'm a big guy who can easily lift just under 300lbs and manipulate that 300lb load and I carry a torque multiplier and an impact wrench but i sure wouldn't want to change a tire while sitting two feet off of the white line on i15.
One ham fisted tire store guy ruining a lug nut(and you very well know how common that is) and you're not changing squat.
Unless you're just totally out of funds, buy the spare and call a pro.
The cost of a tire change if you don't have a roadside plan is not much more than a yearly plan charge UNLESS you have to buy that mismatched tire at retail plus delivery and a wait for the store to open.
Towing is a different monetary ONLY bet, but still a bet with odds against you.
If you haven't changed a few rv tires there is no reason in the entire world to believe you can.
It's just a spare tire.
Find room for one in your rv.
Call a pro if you can.
Practice pulling an inside dual if you think you'll be doing it yourself.
Not that you need proof or little ole me to say you are right, but for those that read and wonder.
When we had our 2nd blowout, Progressive had failed us 3 times by having professionals that showed up and all decline to do the job for their own reasons ranging from not having a jack to not being able to mount a tire on the existing wheel.
So eventually they ask me if I could find someone. I made one phone call and found an outfit 10 minutes away. It was a Mobile Tire Service with all the equipment inside their van.
So the guy come by and he could not get the lugs off. None of them? Huge compressor. I tried to look over his shoulder as he struggled, but I was already tired. Eventually he came to me to say he had called his supervisor and they were sending a 2nd truck that had a bigger compressor. It was going to be a hour wait

I am thinking I removed a tire with my 1 gallon Makita to add a new valve stem on an inside. FWIW my Makita was onboard so I asked about his impact tool? He showed it to me and I immediately see where it had the dots that equate to low med high. I told the guy that when I used my compressor I had to set on the 3 dots. His was set on 1 dot. He changed to 3 dots and it came off like butter. So he had the tire off by the time the 2nd truck arrived.
I would later call this same company and spoke with same guy that did not know how set the impact driver to come by my house and install the 5 new tires I bought when I had reached my limit with Goodyear RV670s. I worked with the guy and got it all done at half the quoted prices from Goodyear or Discount Tire.
Even though I have my compressor, I don't carry my impact driver, so I could not replace on road anyway. My tire by itself was 75lbs. I am sure my wife could not get it out from underneath the bed. When I took one rear tire off for a new extender, It took me a good 10 minutes before I was able to successfully lift and get the wheel/tire back on the studs. I consider myself strong, but error related to perhaps not knowing how to do so? Anyway I would never try to do on my on. I have very good insurance. My focus is on better rated tires not some common household name and the 50/50 notion that it may actually be made in USA? If you buy from an American company, why should where it is made matter?