T - Mobile / Starlink: It is here

Anything for cell phone type signal.
Here is why...

“No one leaves here alive. So please stop treating yourself as an afterthought. Eat delicious food. Walk in the sun. Jump into the sea. Speak the truth that you carry in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be good. Be weird. There is no time for anything else.”
- Anthony Hopkins


If you move to Dallas, PM me. I have extra 30 amp power until you get settled in.
My point that I hope to learn?

Was there any extra cost to now have the ability to get Starlink internet in remote areas when AT&T cellular was not available?

Take Starlink out the equation and it has been par for the course for us 3 years now to stream internet 99.9% of the time to wherever we go at 65 -70 mph.

Yes we travel major roads and yes with the exception of one State Park in Arkansas, T mobile has had service.

Life has been good for our use. Today Tomorrow I worry what the new deal is going to mean for customers like me that don't have a need for remote internet? Will I just get it and it be a bonus benefit, or will I have to pay monthly because of some occurrence where I could use it?

You can bet Starlink won’t be free. Starlink will not want their current subscribers jumping to a cell service at cheaper rates for Starlink service. Musk doesn’t usually make bad business decisions.
My point that I hope to learn?

Was there any extra cost to now have the ability to get Starlink internet in remote areas when AT&T cellular was not available?

Take Starlink out the equation and it has been par for the course for us 3 years now to stream internet 99.9% of the time to wherever we go at 65 -70 mph.

Yes we travel major roads and yes with the exception of one State Park in Arkansas, T mobile has had service.

Life has been good for our use. Today Tomorrow I worry what the new deal is going to mean for customers like me that don't have a need for remote internet? Will I just get it and it be a bonus benefit, or will I have to pay monthly because of some occurrence where I could use it?

If you're never "off the beaten path" so to speak, it's a non-issue. But GUARANTEED the service will be more expensive. Your hope is that if/when T-Mobile offers the service that it's an optional add-on... you only pay if you want it. It's likely all the cell providers will take that route because there's millions of city folks it would provide absolutely no value for.
You can bet Starlink won’t be free. Starlink will not want their current subscribers jumping to a cell service at cheaper rates for Starlink service. Musk doesn’t usually make bad business decisions.

I agree and that is why I am so scared or in fear of what is about to come. I didn't ask to be on the wrong side of the richest man in the world. I have purposely avoided Starlink because of cost. No other reason, but maybe I can say I do not want any kind of antenna for satellite.. I pay $25/mo today with small back box that is tucked on a self in RV that is never moved to app to find signals or North, and I have all of the internet I want when and where I need it.
If you're never "off the beaten path" so to speak, it's a non-issue. But GUARANTEED the service will be more expensive. Your hope is that if/when T-Mobile offers the service that it's an optional add-on... you only pay if you want it. It's likely all the cell providers will take that route because there's millions of city folks it would provide absolutely no value for.

We could dispute what constitutes "off beaten path"

I consider anywhere in East or West Texas, North East New Mexico, West Oklahoma, Arkansas (except Little Rock) as examples of my view of "off beaten path"

I have T mobile home internet for a reason and it provides me with home internet wherever I have needed with the exception of one camp. Ironically that one State Park was a family retreat so it was actually a good thing that no one had access to the internet. In a pinch there was a tower 3 miles south of the park, but no one ever needed it.

I certainly expect all Cellular companies to eventually offer or provide Internet via satellite to make up for the gaps.

Just so you know, most folks in metropolitan areas always get a chuckle in the movies when the main plot character will NEVER have a signal to simply call and get help, or they fall down running to get their purse with the damn phone. :LOL: I can see in the future the newer movies will have some city dwellers out of the city on some BMS land camping and maybe the angle is that they unknowingly plug the satellite antenna in wrong or wrong direction, so they can't get a satellite signal and get eaten up by the bear drawn to their campsite by the peanut butter in mouse traps they set in the RV? :whistling:
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So is Newfoundland off the beaten path? That is why we have Starlink. Our next big adventure will be 20 days on the island of Newfoundland. With Starlink our internet and phone capability will be seamless and cost the same as when we are in the lower 48. Not so with cell based service. We have been to Canada a number of times and I made a promise to myself that the next time we would have Starlink. We do now. We seldom need the capability as we travel in the lower 48 but wanted to get it installed and have some experience using it before going back to Canada. It came in handy in September when we camped in Cherokee NC and did not have cell service and again when we camped at Cades Cove in October and did not have cell service.

I get it that dkoldman does not need it with his current camping and traveling style but some of us appreciate the capability of Starlink and are willing to pony up the extra money to have it for our journeys' to faraway exciting destinations.
I get it that dkoldman does not need it with his current camping and traveling style but some of us appreciate the capability of Starlink and are willing to pony up the extra money to have it for our journeys' to faraway exciting destinations.

To be clear, I appreciate the capability of Starlink as well, and I would pay up extra money if I needed it. It is simply that until now the $150 or more per month than my current Home Internet Services (I have two, T-Mobile & Spectrum) would not provide any additional value with as you say our "current camping and traveling style". I spent 2 years trifling with Wifi CampPro antenna and Netgear Extenders etc. I don't see me ever wanted to going back to hooking up an antenna.

But today, is about Starlink that has now come to my carrier with full internet capability. Will I will be forced to pay for Starlink services in any amount whether I want it or not?

It seems clear from posts I am reading that it will cost more if I need the remote satellite access. But you don't have to be a mathematician to figure out if it cost the same as to what current Starlink subscribers, why would I or any other T mobile customer purchase? One would think all those that had the real need for remote access have already subscribed to Starlink.

IMO, I think this may be about Musk realizing his market share population is limited to those that need / require internet access in remote areas. His goal is to get cellular customers to pay for the same because of some very casual usage. How that plan in implemented or forced on T Mobile customer is the next shoe drop. But in the meantime, I hadn't called T Mobile asking how do I sign up. I doubt if many of the Customers have made phone calls as well.
To be clear, I appreciate the capability of Starlink as well, and I would pay up extra money if I needed it. It is simply that until now the $150 or more per month than my current Home Internet Services (I have two, T-Mobile & Spectrum) would not provide any additional value with as you say our "current camping and traveling style". I spent 2 years trifling with Wifi CampPro antenna and Netgear Extenders etc. I don't see me ever wanted to going back to hooking up an antenna.

But today, is about Starlink that has now come to my carrier with full internet capability. Will I will be forced to pay for Starlink services in any amount whether I want it or not?

It seems clear from posts I am reading that it will cost more if I need the remote satellite access. But you don't have to be a mathematician to figure out if it cost the same as to what current Starlink subscribers, why would I or any other T mobile customer purchase? One would think all those that had the real need for remote access have already subscribed to Starlink.

IMO, I think this may be about Musk realizing his market share population is limited to those that need / require internet access in remote areas. His goal is to get cellular customers to pay for the same because of some very casual usage. How that plan in implemented or forced on T Mobile customer is the next shoe drop. But in the meantime, I hadn't called T Mobile asking how do I sign up. I doubt if many of the Customers have made phone calls as well.

I think Musk has the upper hand. Legacy Tower based comms are like landlocked property. They've reached their customer base limit unless they stick towers in the middle of desert or mountain areas... ain't happening - not profitable.

So... they've chosen attempting to "partner" with the new kid on the block. How this plays out is anyone's guess.

Being retired opens up a completely different mindset for RV travel, not fully realized until you actually retire. Instead of a "vacation" mindset, it's more of an extended trip mindset... travel at will with no time constraints. Every day is Saturday.

Eventually you start reaching areas like the desert southwest - low population areas with no cell service at all. Cell maps of the West are misleading... there's holes everywhere. You can either play musical chairs chasing cell towers, or use Starlink and go anywhere.

As far as a merger between cell providers and Starlink, I think consumers have the best of both worlds NOW. Cheap cellular where it's available, and "pausable" Starlink... activate it only when needed. Yes Starlink equipment isn't cheap, but they got a sweet spot with the plans... $50 is dirt cheap for anywhere Internet on a temporary basis.

As I said before if they merged, it's guaranteed plans will increase in price... cell providers must pay the piper (Elon). The problem is profits are dependent on constant growth. Nothing is static. I remember Warner Qube doing testing in Columbus Ohio in the early 1980s. Interactive Internet for something like $13 a month (I don't remember exactly) but it was CHEAP. Those days are long gone.

A merger may benefit some, but it sucks paying for something you rarely use. Again... we'll see how it shakes out.
I think Musk has the upper hand. Legacy Tower based comms are like landlocked property. They've reached their customer base limit unless they stick towers in the middle of desert or mountain areas... ain't happening - not profitable.

There are many towers on Mountains? I don't know about deserts though. It depends on what problem you trying to solve. I don't live in a area or visit areas where there is a lot of rhetoric about no cell access. I know it is NOT everywhere but I feel that it may 90% of country where people may normally go. That may or may not be 90% of all land in US. But your point is dead on, I don't know that cellular will gain any significant additional profits by putting cellular in what I will call extreme remote areas, but with that said, they are adding new towers evet day.

So... they've chosen attempting to "partner" with the new kid on the block. How this plays out is anyone's guess.

My fear, and my worry to create the thread.

Being retired opens up a completely different mindset for RV travel, not fully realized until you actually retire. Instead of a "vacation" mindset, it's more of an extended trip mindset... travel at will with no time constraints. Every day is Saturday.

Funny thing, I don't we would classify any of our RV trips as vacation? We are certainly not retired. A vacation for us will be when we fly somewhere or leave the country.

Eventually you start reaching areas like the desert southwest - low population areas with no cell service at all. Cell maps of the West are misleading... there's holes everywhere. You can either play musical chairs chasing cell towers, or use Starlink and go anywhere.

Trying to recall our trip to Grand Canyon, Utah and Colorado. We didn't even carry our laptops and I don't recall the phone being an issue but I am sure at certain points in time we had no service.

As far as a merger between cell providers and Starlink, I think consumers have the best of both worlds NOW. Cheap cellular where it's available, and "pausable" Starlink... activate it only when needed. Yes Starlink equipment isn't cheap, but they got a sweet spot with the plans... $50 is dirt cheap for anywhere Internet on a temporary basis.

if they allow you to pay if you need it will be a good thing. That is my hope, but somehow I am expecting to get the shaft.

As I said before if they merged, it's guaranteed plans will increase in price... cell providers must pay the piper (Elon). The problem is profits are dependent on constant growth. Nothing is static. I remember Warner Qube doing testing in Columbus Ohio in the early 1980s. Interactive Internet for something like $13 a month (I don't remember exactly) but it was CHEAP. Those days are long gone.

A merger may benefit some, but it sucks paying for something you rarely use. Again... we'll see how it shakes out.

I agree 100%, I really believe it is going to be like cable. T Mobile is going to expand the network and now say nationwide service and increase everyone's cost. 90% of the consumers will never need remote access, but profits will rise for T Mobile & Starlink. We will get the shaft. :facepalm:
I agree 100%, I really believe it is going to be like cable. T Mobile is going to expand the network and now say nationwide service and increase everyone's cost. 90% of the consumers will never need remote access, but profits will rise for T Mobile & Starlink. We will get the shaft. :facepalm:

All our schools systems are under the county. We have to pay county taxes so we are paying for schools. Our youngest child is 45 so they are not in the school system. Guess we are paying for our grand kids to go to school. Some times you have to pay for stuff you don't directly use.
All our schools systems are under the county. We have to pay county taxes so we are paying for schools. Our youngest child is 45 so they are not in the school system. Guess we are paying for our grand kids to go to school. Some times you have to pay for stuff you don't directly use.
I have no problem paying taxes and for public systems. If they wish to make internet access a national public system with access to all so be it. Today it is commercial and I am just a consumer looking to buy a la carte services. It is why after many many years I have never paid one damn dime for satellite radio. When I leave DFW area, I am not stupid enough or have need to pay to listen to what I listen to at home 99% of the time for free.
Amazon Satelite Internet: Project Kuiper

Starlink will soon have competition, maybe Verizon or AT&T will have an agreement with Amazon
Amazon’s upcoming satellite internet service, dubbed Project Kuiper, is slated to begin deploying its satellites in early 2025, rolling out service to its first customers later in the year.
Starlink will soon have competition, maybe Verizon or AT&T will have an agreement with Amazon
Amazon’s upcoming satellite internet service, dubbed Project Kuiper, is slated to begin deploying its satellites in early 2025, rolling out service to its first customers later in the year.

That's what Starlink needs - some good competition to drive down the price to the promised level.
But the thread is about T Mobile announcing full service internet with Starlink? If Verizon only has text messenging that is what I see different. What am I missing ��

That's all this T-mobile set up was ever intended to be as well, a way to cover completely dead cell zones for people in dire need of contact and are off the grid. I'm not sure the article is accurately describing what T-mobile and Starlink are offering here. Each satellite only offers (about) 10-12Mbps and only a low number of users so, you won't be streaming from these. In time I guess this could change if the launch enough satellites.

Look up Elon's T-mobile announcement on YT and you'll see him explain exactly what this is and isn't intended to be used for. It's been a couple of years since I watched it but it sounded like it would be a free service for T-mobile users... no idea if that's changed though.
That's all this T-mobile set up was ever intended to be as well, a way to cover completely dead cell zones for people in dire need of contact and are off the grid. I'm not sure the article is accurately describing what T-mobile and Starlink are offering here. Each satellite only offers (about) 10-12Mbps and only a low number of users so, you won't be streaming from these. In time I guess this could change if the launch enough satellites.

Look up Elon's T-mobile announcement on YT and you'll see him explain exactly what this is and isn't intended to be used for. It's been a couple of years since I watched it but it sounded like it would be a free service for T-mobile users... no idea if that's changed though.

This is all that it matters, I don't really care what it is as long as it is free. My fear is 3 years ago is 3 years ago, no one has said exactly what or how it will be rolled out, the article said Internet, but it could be wrong, that is why I posted the link. but it is full FCC approval now so they basically can do what they want to now.

I am paying T Mobile enough today, I got all I want / need. Sure whatever this may be, if it is free I will take it, but I am not that naïve. I just hope that whatever they may charge for, you have the option to decline and I will be happy.
That's all this T-mobile set up was ever intended to be as well, a way to cover completely dead cell zones for people in dire need of contact and are off the grid. I'm not sure the article is accurately describing what T-mobile and Starlink are offering here. Each satellite only offers (about) 10-12Mbps and only a low number of users so, you won't be streaming from these. In time I guess this could change if the launch enough satellites.

Look up Elon's T-mobile announcement on YT and you'll see him explain exactly what this is and isn't intended to be used for. It's been a couple of years since I watched it but it sounded like it would be a free service for T-mobile users... no idea if that's changed though.

Well, text only to start, then voice, eventually data.

I am officially in the T Mobile Pool for Starlink Beta Testers

It is confirmed that it is only for Texting when it occurs ( It sound like it could be months?). Just goes to show you cant trust everything that the so called legitimate Tech Freelance Authors write.

They will need to do something to satellite optimized my phone. Sounds risky but what the hell, it is free and I don't have to buy an antenna.

I can't wait to go down in the middle of Grand Canyon and text the Damn Duck to come get me. Or, if I am being chased by a Grizzly in Montana, I can text for help, finish by beer and not worry about the bear. :coolsmiley:
I am officially in the T Mobile Pool for Starlink Beta Testers

It is confirmed that it is only for Texting when it occurs ( It sound like it could be months?). Just goes to show you cant trust everything that the so called legitimate Tech Freelance Authors write.

They will need to do something to satellite optimized my phone. Sounds risky but what the hell, it is free and I don't have to buy an antenna.

I can't wait to go down in the middle of Grand Canyon and text the Damn Duck to come get me. Or, if I am being chased by a Grizzly in Montana, I can text for help, finish by beer and not worry about the bear. :coolsmiley:

Now if you can get some smart-ass wiz kid to write a text-to-speech app to interface with the texting app... the wife has one built into her Chevy hands-free audio system. At least that would take some of the clunkiness out of the texting part - and make it feel more like a voice conversation. I'm hooked on that crap... "Hey Google" and "Hey Alexa" have become and integral part of my vocabulary! :rolleyes:
I am officially in the T Mobile Pool for Starlink Beta Testers

It is confirmed that it is only for Texting when it occurs ( It sound like it could be months?). Just goes to show you cant trust everything that the so called legitimate Tech Freelance Authors write.

They will need to do something to satellite optimized my phone. Sounds risky but what the hell, it is free and I don't have to buy an antenna.

I can't wait to go down in the middle of Grand Canyon and text the Damn Duck to come get me. Or, if I am being chased by a Grizzly in Montana, I can text for help, finish by beer and not worry about the bear. :coolsmiley:

Hooray! Please keep us posted !

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