
Senior Member
Aug 22, 2015
What is a TLA? Three Letter Acronym

I'm starting this thread because after many months I have yet to decode some the the Acronym's used on the site. The first two that come to mind are:

SOB? Dave uses this and I doubt it has to do with parentage.
DW? Something to do with Wives?
No idea on TLA - someone will probably publish a list of acronyms, as I've seen them around.

SOB - Some Other Brand
DW - Dear Wife or Damn Wife, depending on the conversation :LOL:
No idea on TLA - someone will probably publish a list of acronyms, as I've seen them around.

SOB - Some Other Brand
DW - Dear Wife or Damn Wife, depending on the conversation :LOL:

Thanks, I was way off on DW, I guessed "Dishwasher"
No idea on TLA - someone will probably publish a list of acronyms, as I've seen them around.

SOB - Some Other Brand
DW - Dear Wife or Damn Wife, depending on the conversation :LOL:

Sorry for the confusing way I wrote this. TLA does mean "Three Letter Acronym" Sort of a joke.
Sorry for the confusing way I wrote this. TLA does mean "Three Letter Acronym" Sort of a joke.

hahaha - I get it now :) I am slow.

DW might work as dishwasher in some cases, but calling the DW a DW sometimes ends up in a swing from the frying pan by the DW. My DW loved the DW concept and now the DW is the first thing the DW looks for when we look at a new RV.
AFE :)

AC - Alternating currently, traditionally 120 volts
A/C - Air Conditioning
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFK - Away from Keyboard
AMP - Amperes
APU = Auxiliary Power Unit (Generator)
ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid

BC - Brake Controller
BIL - Brother in Law
BLM or BOLM - Bureau of Land Management
Boondocking - Traditionally Dispersed camping without hookups, usually on BLM or USFS land, not to be confused with Wallydocking
BTW - By the way
BW - Black Water, waste water from an RV's onboard toilet
Beer - Alcoholic Beverage of choice amongst campers, comes in a wide variety of flavors

Cat - Caterpillar
CCC - Cargo carrying capacity
CF - Camp Fire
CG - Camp Ground
COE - Army Corps of Engineers
CRS - Camp remember something
CTC - Coast to Coast (Discount Camping)
CW - CampingWorld

DC - Direct current as in 12VDC
DD - Dear DaughterDD - Dear Daughter
DH - Darling or Dear Husband
DOT - Dept of Transportation
DP - Diesel Pusher
DS - Dear Son
DS - Dump Station
DSDP - Dutch Star Diesel Pusher
Dually - Dual real wheals
DW - Darling or Dear Wife

EDPM - Ethylene Propylene Diene Monoromer (Rubber Roof)
ERS - Emergency Road Service
ESP - Extended Service Plan

FIL - Father in Law
FHU - Full Hook Ups
Fiver - Fifth Wheel
FMCA = Family Motor Coach Association
FR - Forestry Road
FRED - Front End Diesel
FT - Full Time
Furry kids - PetsFW - Fresh Water, drinking water stored on-board an RV for use in Eating, Bathing, Dishes, etc...
FWIW - For what it's worth
FYI - For your information

GAWR or GAW = Gross Axle Weight Rating
GCVW or GCW = Gross Combined Vehicle Weight
GOB - Good ol' Boy
GPS - Global Positioning Satellite or System
GS - Good Sam
GTWR - Gross Trailer Weight Rating
GVW or GVWR - Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
GW - Grey Water, waste water from shower and sink drains

HH - Happy Hour
HTH - Hope this Helps
HTT - hybrid travel trailer
HW - hot water
HWH - hot water heater, but can also be HW Hydraulic levelers


IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
IMO - In my opinion
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IP - Internet Provider
ISP - Internet Service Provider


KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid

L8R - Later
L8R G8R = Later Gator
LEO - Law Enforcement Official/Officer
LMAO - Laughing my a__ off
LOL - Laughing Out Loud , Lots Of Luck, Lots Of Love
LTVA - Long Term Visitor Area
LP or LPG - Liquid Propane Gas

MH = Motor Home
MIL - Mother in Law
MODs - Moderators
Mods - Modifications done to your RV
MTCW = My Two Cents Worth

NF - National Forest
NP - National Park
NPS - National Park Service

OALAEHO = Opinions Are Like A__holes, Everybody Has One
OEM = Original Equipement by the Manufacturer
OMG - Oh my God
OP - Original Post, Original Poster

PUP - Pop-up Tent Trailer
PTJ - Power Tongue Jack
Pig Tails - Hose used to connect propane tank to regulator
PIA - Pain in Ass
PITA - Pain In the Ass
PM - PrivateMessage
PO - Previous Owner
PPA - Passport America (Discount Camping)
P/S - Power Steering
PW - Pressure Washer

Qs - Questions

ROTFLOL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A__ Off
RV - Recreational Vehicle, used as a general term for all forms of vehicle that have living quarters similar to a home, but in smaller sizes, such as Motorhomes, Travel trailers, Fifth Wheels, Truck Campers, etc... In the specific form, it refers to a motorhome
RPI = Resort Parks International (Membership Parks)

SB = Short Box or Bed of a Tow Vehicle
SCWR = Sleeping Capacity Weight Rating
SIL - Sister in Law
SKP - Escapee
SO - Significant Other
SOB - Some other brand
Stinky Slinky - The accordion-like hose used to dump the holding tanks on an RV
SP - State Park
SS - Surround Sound

TC - Truck Camper
TH - Toy Hauler
TMI - Too Much Information
TV - Tow Vehicle & Television
TP - Toilet paper
TPMS - Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Toad - Vehicle towed behind an RV
TT - Travel Trailer
TWR/TLR = Tongue Weight Rating, Tongue Load Rating,

USFS - US Forestry Service
UVW or UVWR - Unloaded Vehicle Weight Rating

VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
VLR - Vertical Load Rating

Wallydocking - Overnighting in a Wal-Mart parking lot
Wally World - Wal-Mart
WDH - Weight distributing hitch
WD or W/D - Washer/Dryer
WDW - Walt Disney World
WES - Water/Electric/Sewer
WH - WorkHorse



YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
YMWV - Your Mileage Will Vary



4X2 - 2 wheel drive
4X4 - 4 wheel drive
4WD - 4 wheel drive
5er/5'r/5ver - Fifth Wheel Trailer
John a great list but you forgot 1:
I prefer-- "TOES GO IN FIRST"

LOL wayne d

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