Senior Member
If you have never been fired, you aren't trying hard enough. My most memorable "firing" was about 15 years into a job. Two months before I had received the "Employee of the Year" award and a sizeable bonus. It took a new "boss" about a month to figure out I was suddenly not "making the grade"...He had a... ahem... "favorite" (wink, wink) who performed better than me... Fortunately that job paid a huge chunk into my retirement!
I have only been fired once and it was my very 1st job. In 10th grade I worked at Local owned Grocery store, they hired me to bag groceries but when the store closed we stocked the shelves. Getting your own box cutter and stocking those can items on the shelf was the cool thing :whistling: but they would never let me, they said I was too slow so they make me mop that damn floor every night always saying I could box the next day. I may not have been the smartest person (actually I was ), :whistling: but after two weeks, I reasoned the next day has passed.
So one night the owner of the Grocery store was not there; so I figure this was going to be my night. I refused to mop, found me a box cutter and when to work stocking the shelves. The Lead that night told me to mop the floor or go home. I kept working so he punched my timecard out. I went back and punched it back in, we did it a few times until it put a hole in my time card. He eventually left me alone and I finished the shift, the lead Mop the floor it felt great. The next day when I went to work the the store owner called me into his little cubby hole office and told me to get out and don't come back. He didn't even ask me what happened or my side of the story. I don't think he ever told me I was fired, just to get out. I was devastated. My mom sided with me telling me not to worry, but at the time buying an RV never seemed possible even in my dreams.

As as fate would have it, 2 weeks later I got hired at a 24 hour Kroger. 4 months after that I was Asst Produce Mgr, I eventually became Produce Manager while still in HS, and when it came time to go to college they offered to make me a Mgr Trainee but wanted me relocate but I declined in favor to go to school.
Getting fired won't bother me. I prepared for retirement 10 years ago. I am practicing now :hide: