New Member
Picked up a Durango HT 256RKT a few weeks ago. We chose this model for the GVWR (10500#) and the fact that they all have a place for a combo washer/dryer. We already had a combo washer/dryer so we thought it would be a easy DIY project. Boy was I wrong. We found that there was no place to put a vent in the washer/dryer compartment. In order to vent properly you need to vent through the lower shelf in the bathroom closet and then out through the outer wall. Not an easy feat. We ended up buying a Splendide 7200 ventless washer/dryer combo. Installation was not easy as it weight 150# and the cabinet opening only give you less than an inch of wiggle room (and that's after you remove the doors and latches). After several attempts it finally went in. Note that you need to connect the hoses and there is very little access. We thought everything was in place, but as it turns out the drain hose came out of the drain during our first trial and we had a real mess behind the washer/dryer. Ended up ripping out the bottom (3/16" plywood) of the cabinet in the bathroom to get access to the rear of the washer,/dryer and secured the drain hose to the wall so it will not happen again.