Yesterday we had temps in the mid 50's and lite rain/mist.
In the late afternoon evening, it became rain, thunder, and lightning.
This morning it was 18 degrees and looked like this outside.
I was going to say I feel your pain, until I saw the pictures. No snow in South Illinois yet. It was mid 60's last night, and upper 20's at 6 this morning. But this is what we get for living in the Midwest.
A winter wonderland.
Labbie, do you get much snow where you live? I would think you are almost in the banana belt there.
Yes it is---for now. BUT, when the temps start down for real it won't be.:nonono:
34 degrees here in the NC mountains this morning. Now it’s 42 but my wife and I are in with the flu/sinus infection. Joy Joy. At least we have a warm house and food and of course our little dogs to snuggle with.
Hard to believe, but it is snowing in College Station, Texas. About 2" accumulation so far. Won't last long. The ground isn't cold enough for it to stay around.
Snow here up to 2 inches I do not know how to get to work....Oh wait I am retired I will just go back inside until it melts around noon
I seen on the news last night you were getting a little snow.
An early Christmas present. Enjoy enjoy!!
Hoover wants you to come down to show him how to remove that stuff, He will supply the snow shovel