ACE you're gonna have to explain that one. IF the Starlink antenna can be pointed anywhere at the sky, why does the app give SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS, both by complaining that the antenna is not properly aimed? AND... why does the app specifically instruct aiming at an unobstructed view of the northern sky? Has Starlink failed to update the app?? Please explain what you're seeing in the app as you setup Starlink and go through the connection process. Maybe I'm overlooking something?
While I have got a connection (though compromised) by random aiming, it IS NOT consistent, and frequently disconnects if not aimed as instructed in the app. While it's true there's "handoffs" between satellites as they move overhead, Starlink "knows" which ones you should be connected to.
Pundits are claiming upgraded satellites will have laser interconnectivity and a more highly focused beam to the dish. But other than slick general advertising, which is often intentionally vague - I see NOWHERE in instructions I received with my Mini package saying "just point it at the sky". Yes it's simple, but not as simple as "just point it at the sky". Just like a "sign then drive" car lease ad, there's more to it.
I have a fairly open view of the sky straight overhead here at home. In the next few days I'll set up Starlink and "just point it at the sky overhead" and see what I get. The app also records a graphic representation of detected obstructions, so I'll put it to the test.
I'm willing to admit I may have been wasting my time with the aiming adjustments. If so it will open up a LOT more areas for camping! And if our Spectrum home Internet goes up in price any more, I'm investing in a Gen 3 package with the $120 home Internet. Straight overhead aiming for that would be VERY convenient!