HELP battery and fuse problem
I removed the battery from our Freedom Elite (2017) 29 ft to charge, when re-installing apparently a fuse blew as I have no power to the control box for the gen or the other functions on the box. the engine starts and runs well when the battery and the connections are not hooked up but upon hooking the connections the motor home engine stutters and almost wants to stop and then start again. I have disconnected the cables to the battery and the engine runs but with no power to lights, gen and other things. I know the fuse panel is in the bedroom at the end of the bed but with no power to the slide outs I can't get to the fuse box. Anyone have a suggestion as what to do. The cables to the battery are three red ends and one yellow. when removing them off and putting them back on the three red went to pos and the yellow was neg. any idea's accepted.