Another Use for Dental Floss
Okay, got your attention.
5 years ago I was given a solar powered motion detector outside door light that I put just below the outside door light on our 2016 Vegas using the self-sticking back tape strip supplied with the unit. This year it had gone from 4 to 3 LED's working and only lasting for 3 or 4 hours each night.
I was walking thru the new Dollar General this past weekend (boy those stores pop up quickly) and much to my surprise I spotted a replacement "Ever Brite" for $13.00 on the "nick-nack" section.
Prior to use I read the instructions...all the instructions. The last paragraph in the instructions was entitled "How to remove Ever Brite". It says to use Dental Floss. I did so, sliding the floss back and forth while working it down thru the adhesive backing...IT WORKED. With a little rubbing alcohol to clean up the residue it is now clean and ready for the replacement.
There were several other similar adhesive backing gizmos that I have put up and later removed but not brave enough to remove some of the actual attachment brackets. With floss I have removed all but one from inside the RV...all with NO Damage to the RV.
Sheree & Michael NCNG LTC(ret) with Munpi, RC and Sheba (cat).
2019 Nexus Viper 27V, E-450, 5 speed "Ms. Enterprise", Infotainment Center, HUD, , Safe-T-Plus, Curt SpareTire Mount, ext. WiFi Antenna, Roadmaster Tow Sys& Invisibrake.